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RE: GsTcpPort (NSDefaultRunLoopMode / _handleWindowNeedsDispaly:)

From: David Ayers
Subject: RE: GsTcpPort (NSDefaultRunLoopMode / _handleWindowNeedsDispaly:)
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2002 21:44:59 +0200

Hi Richard,

you probably have other things to do before you leave, but in case you do
find some spare time:
I've been trying to write a simple App/Server pair to test the basics. My
first problem was a
-(oneway void)doOneWay
invocation. The signature (*type) of this method during
NSConnection's -forwardInvocation:forProxy: is identical to:


in other words, _F_ONEWAY isn't set and my App won't continue processing
until -(oneway void)doOneWay returns. I could provide you with my two
ProjectCenter projects (App and Server) if you need something for testing.
Or is this a known to do?

I'll try to look into where this is set, yet I belive this done by the
compiler? I'm using 3.0.4 right now.


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