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Re: Possible Bug in NSString.m

From: Adam Fedor
Subject: Re: Possible Bug in NSString.m
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 22:04:20 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux ppc; en-US; rv:1.0rc2) Gecko/20020513

Roland Schwingel wrote:


I assume a bug in NSString.m method:
- (void) getLineStart: (unsigned *)startIndex end: (unsigned *)lineEndIndex contentsEnd: (unsigned *)contentsEndIndex forRange: (NSRange)aRange

When you read the code carefully you will find this (about line 1852 in gnustep-base-1.1.0):
 if (lineEndIndex)
  if (end < len
    && ((*caiImp)(self, caiSel, end) == (unichar)0x000D)
    && ((*caiImp)(self, caiSel, end+1) == (unichar)0x000A))
      *lineEndIndex = end+1;
      *lineEndIndex = end;

When one will assume that end and len are just one number away
(eg end==101 and len==102 ) - what can happen when you read the whole method - the ((*caiImp)(self, caiSel, end+1) == (unichar)0x000A) in the second if() statement will fail with a Rangeexception in GSStrings characterAtIndex_c() because you read
one letter out of range...

If this is true maybe this should be fixed...


PS: This is my first posting to this list I hope I am right here...

Yes you are. Although since the compiler tends to optimize away the second check if the first one is false, it only gets triggered in rare circumstances (well on Windows, perhaps not so rare) with two \r at the end of the string, such as:

s = @"This is a line of text\r\r";

Thanks for pointing this out.

Adam Fedor, Digital Optics Corp.      | I'm glad I hate spinach, because
http://www.doc.com                    | if I didn't, I'd eat it, and you
                                      | know how I hate the stuff.

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