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Every .app's segfault patch

From: Serg Stoyan
Subject: Every .app's segfault patch
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 16:11:28 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.16i

Hi everybody!

I think somebody noted segfaulting of any .app after Alt-Q press or Quit
menu item click... Backtrace in gdb points to the problems in
XCloseDisplay() call in the XGServer's dealloc method. I've tried to
place call of XCloseDisplay() from the bottom to top of dealloc method
and voila, segfault disappeared! I don't know exactly why this
happens... Maybe dpy variable freed in DESTROY(inputServer) or 
[self _destroyServerWindows] methods...

Patch attached.

Serg Stoyan

Attachment: XGServer.m.patch
Description: Text document

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