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bug in NSBrowser ?

From: Yen-Ju Chen
Subject: bug in NSBrowser ?
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 09:22:15 -0400

 Two things I notice when using NSBrowser

 1. The selected cell doesn't deselected properly:
    Select a cell of 1st column, 2nd column will show up.
    Then select a cell of 2nd column, 3rd column will show up.
    Now select a cell of 1st column, the 3rd column will disapper,
    and the cell in 2nd column is deselected.
    Use a loop to search all selected cell from 1st column (index 0)
    to last column ([NSBrowser lastColumn]),
    it shows that the selected cell in 2nd column is not -1,
    but the cell which is selected previous.
    That conflicts with the fact that the 2nd column is now deselected.

 2. Call selectRow:inColumn: programmingly
    won't trigger the browser:selectRow:inColumn: in delegate.
    Document of Cocoa said browser:selectRow:inColumn: is
    "Invoked in response to selectRow:inColumn: being received
     by sender."


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