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Re: [Fwd: RFC GDL2: move +load implementations to +initialize]

From: Mirko Viviani
Subject: Re: [Fwd: RFC GDL2: move +load implementations to +initialize]
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 15:31:21 -0000

David Ayers <d.ayers@inode.at> ha scritto:

> >Why the EODatabaseChannel should have received the +initialize before the
> >notification of the EOObjectStoreCoordinator ?
> >You should invoke it manually, it has no sense.
> >
> No, no, both +load and +initialize are guaranteed to be sent by the 
> runtime, not by any explicit code!

I know...

> In the very unlikely event that no messages get sent to 
> EODatabaseContext before the the EOCooperatingObjectStoreNeeded 
> Notification gets posted, we should just make sure to call some 
> EODatabaseContext method (like [EODatabaseContext class]) real early to 
> force the runtime to send +initialize to EODatabaseContext.

The problem is really this... how to be sure that a message will be sent to
these classes ?


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