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Re: NSPopUpButton and NSMenuView patches and questions

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: NSPopUpButton and NSMenuView patches and questions
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 02:19:44 +0000 (GMT)

Hello Serg,

> Hi,
> I've made two patches that fixes some issues with NSPopUpButton and 
> NSMenuView. These issues are following:
> NSPopUpButton:
> - when disabled item selected, action doesn't perform but this item remains   
> selected. Fixed to leave selection unchanged;
> - when item is selected by key equivalent, action performs but no selection
>   made.

Thanks - nice ones - I applied them to CVS. :-)

> NSMenuView:
> - do not perform [targetMenuView setHighlightedItemIndex: -1] if menu owned   
> by NSPopUpButton. Fixes problem with items highlighting/unhighlighting.
> - visual feedback in application menu fixed. [NSThread sleepUntilDate:] 
>   changed to [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:] and placed before
>   [_menu performActionForItemAtIndex: index].

Thanks - I applied them to CVS. :-)

Adam, do we have a copyright assignment from Serg ?

If we don't, Serg would you please sign and submit a copyright assignment
form to the FSF if you want to contribute more code ?  Adam will explain
you how to do (apologizes if you already have).  It's a very small
burocracy, but it makes you an official contributor :-)

> And some questions left. When last item in NSPopUpButton selected all key 
> equivalents disappear from items (but still works). Selecting any other
> item returns them back.

Interesting.  A bug. :-)

> Another question is: when item has key equivalent and selected (displaying 
> NSPopUpButton image on the right side (i don't know how it named) after 
> mouse button up). In OpenStep it isn't. Is it responsibility of application
> or AppKit to remove key equivalent while item stays visible?

If you are talking about the small icon on the right of the popup
button being drawn over the key equivalent of the currently selected item
(which is not very pretty), I think it's a bug in gnustep-gui.

In other words, yes, I think it's definitely gnustep-gui's responsibility
to make sure things are displayed properly :-) and images are not drawn
over key equivalents :-)  it's a bug we need to fix.

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