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Re: gnustep/base modifications for OSX

From: Richard Frith-Macdonald
Subject: Re: gnustep/base modifications for OSX
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 18:30:22 +0000

On Tuesday, January 28, 2003, at 05:24  pm, David Ayers wrote:

Hello Richard,

I've also been biten by this a lot, and I've been thinking about it very hard, but I don't think it's that "simple" as you suggest. In fact I really don't understand how Apple code is working under these conditions.

We have a state of undefined semantics (deep/shallow) for copyWithZone: (and therefor copy) and mutableCopyWithZone: (and therefor mutableCopy). It might be well defined if you have simple collections that you can require "applications" (or in this case libraries) to use initWithArray:copyItems:, which will send "copy" to the contents, if the flag is YES. But if the contents are again collection classes then you just simply have undefined behavior (depending on the concrete class) for the contents.

The *bug* is that you can't really allow undefined semantics for such fundamental and in this case recursive messages for a class clusters. (I dare say this breaks object orientation.)

I've also been thinking about this a lot but haven't come up with a solution that would (a) solve the problem and (b) be compatible with the arbitrary behavior that OS X seems to introduce. In fact I would say that if OS X apps don't assume anything, that we do find a consistent behavior in favor of being compatible with the "undocumented" behavior of certain subclasses. In practice this is not going to work either though, unless we never collections within collections.

We should at least give it alot of though. I really believe that Apple has broken something here. Maybe it would be worthwhile to file a bug report showing this.

I think in practice, MacOS-X mostly does what I consider the sensible thing ... copies are really shallow ... even though the abstract copy methods are deep and they reserve the right to have concrete classes do anything!

If we adopted the convention that all collection copies are shallow, we could add a few new methods for deep copies.

Shallow copies are 'safe' in that they don't cause recursion, and are obviously quicker than deep ones ...
which is why I think that standard behavior should be shallow copy.
The question of how a deep copy would deal with a recursive data structure remains though.

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