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[PATCH] fix for #101879 menu title at wrong location

From: Willem Rein Oudshoorn
Subject: [PATCH] fix for #101879 menu title at wrong location
Date: 08 Mar 2003 11:37:56 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

This patch will calculate the position to draw the menu
title instead of using fixed offsets.  Fixed offsets
will draw the title at the wrong location if the height
of the menu title bar somehow does not fit very well
with the font that is being used.  

I copied the logic of the calculation from the NSCell
code.  A better fix would probably be to rewrite
the NSMenuTitleView by being a cell.  But this will
work as well.

2003-03-08  Willem Rein Oudshoorn  <woudshoo@xs4all.nl>

        * Source/NSMenuView.m ([NSMenuWindowTitleView -drawRect:]): 
        Centre drawing of title instead of using fixed offset.

Wim Oudshoorn.

Attachment: NSMenuView.diff
Description: Patch for #101879 in NSMenuView.m

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