=================== BUG #3878: LATEST MODIFICATIONS ==================
Changes by: Anonymous user Date: Sun 06/22/2003 at 04:55
------------------ Additional Follow-up Comments ----------------------------
I can reproduce it by doing the following:
- Open Ink
- Select new file
- Type a Thai word
- Copy it
- Try to paste it
nothing happens at that last step. Maybe non-ascii isn't correct. maybe its non ISOLatin1 characters.
=================== BUG #3878: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================
Submitted by: None Project: GNUstep
Submitted on: Thu 06/05/2003 at 17:19
Category: Gui/AppKit Severity: 5 - Major
Bug Group: Bug Resolution: None
Assigned to: fedor Status: Analyzed
Summary: copy and pasting non ascii text
Original Submission: Copying and pasting of non-ascii text works, if the text
is plain text. If the text is attributed, it doesn't work. I've only tested
this with GNUSTEP_STRING_ENCODING set to NSUTF8StringEncoding.
Follow-up Comments
Date: Sun 06/22/2003 at 04:55 By: None
I can reproduce it by doing the following:
- Open Ink
- Select new file
- Type a Thai word
- Copy it
- Try to paste it
nothing happens at that last step. Maybe non-ascii isn't correct. maybe its non ISOLatin1 characters.
Date: Sat 06/21/2003 at 09:09 By: fedor
Works fine for me in Ink.app with NSISOLatin1StringEncoding
and NSUTF8StringEncoding. Do you have an example?
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