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Extension to XIM support

From: Kazunobu Kuriyama
Subject: Extension to XIM support
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 03:34:47 +0900
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ja-JP; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020614


Attached are the patches which make the GNUstep's input method support better.

According to the X library manual, preediting styles which are supported by
the X library are on-the-spot, off-the-spot, over-the-spot and root-window.
At present, GNUstep supports root-window alone.

The patches are made for GNUstep to support off-the-spot and over-the-spot.
The style on-the-spot is not supported because it is rarely supported by
other GUI toolkits.

To allow the user to switch an input style to another, the new environmental
variable GNUSTEP_INPUT_METHOD_STYLE is introduced.  The valid values of the
variable are OffTheSpot, OverTheSpot and RootWindow.  The default value
is RootWindow.

Because off-the-spot and over-the-spot need to interact with a text drawing
object, I have to put some code in -gui.

When I needed to define new interface, I did it using categories.  All
have the same name: InputMethod.

The patches were made against the corresponding files stored in the CVS
repository of July 10.

Feedback and bug fixes are welcome.

- KK

--- GSDisplayServer.h.orig      2003-07-10 01:48:46.000000000 +0900
+++ GSDisplayServer.h   2003-07-11 01:45:28.000000000 +0900
@@ -154,6 +154,23 @@
 - (void) postEvent: (NSEvent*)anEvent atStart: (BOOL)flag;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*  Input Method Operations */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+@interface GSDisplayServer (InputMethod)
+- (NSString *) inputMethodStyle;
+- (NSString *) fontSize: (int *)size;
+- (BOOL) clientWindowRect: (NSRect *)rect;
+- (BOOL) statusArea: (NSRect *)rect;
+- (BOOL) preeditArea: (NSRect *)rect;
+- (BOOL) preeditSpot: (NSPoint *)p;
+- (BOOL) setStatusArea: (NSRect *)rect;
+- (BOOL) setPreeditArea: (NSRect *)rect;
+- (BOOL) setPreeditSpot: (NSPoint *)p;
 static inline NSEvent*
 DPSGetEvent(GSDisplayServer *ctxt, unsigned mask, NSDate* limit, NSString 
--- GSDisplayServer.m.orig      2003-07-10 01:48:50.000000000 +0900
+++ GSDisplayServer.m   2003-07-11 01:51:35.000000000 +0900
@@ -1047,3 +1047,50 @@
+@implementation GSDisplayServer (InputMethod)
+- (NSString *) inputMethodStyle
+    return nil;
+- (NSString *) fontSize: (int *)size
+    return nil;
+- (BOOL) clientWindowRect: (NSRect *)rect
+    return NO;
+- (BOOL) statusArea: (NSRect *)rect
+    return NO;
+- (BOOL) preeditArea: (NSRect *)rect
+    return NO;
+- (BOOL) preeditSpot: (NSPoint *)p
+    return NO;
+- (BOOL) setStatusArea: (NSRect *)rect
+    return NO;
+- (BOOL) setPreeditArea: (NSRect *)rect
+    return NO;
+- (BOOL) setPreeditSpot: (NSPoint *)p
+    return NO;
+@end // GSDisplayServer (InputMethod)
--- NSTextView.h.orig   2003-07-10 01:48:46.000000000 +0900
+++ NSTextView.h        2003-07-11 01:47:18.000000000 +0900
@@ -600,5 +600,10 @@
 APPKIT_EXPORT NSString *NSTextViewDidChangeSelectionNotification;
 APPKIT_EXPORT NSString *NSOldSelectedCharacterRange;
+@interface NSTextView (InputMethod)
+- (void) inputMethodUpdateInsertionPointX: (float)x Y: (float)y;
+- (void) inputMethodUpdateState;
+@end // NSTextView (InputMethod)
 #endif /* _GNUstep_H_NSTextView */
--- NSTextView.m.orig   2003-07-11 01:52:33.000000000 +0900
+++ NSTextView.m        2003-07-11 02:06:56.000000000 +0900
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
 #include "AppKit/NSTextContainer.h"
 #include "AppKit/NSTextStorage.h"
 #include "AppKit/NSWindow.h"
+#include "AppKit/GSDisplayServer.h" // for input methods
@@ -321,6 +322,7 @@
   [self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
   [self updateInsertionPointStateAndRestartTimer:
     [self shouldDrawInsertionPoint]];
+  [self inputMethodUpdateState];
 -(void) _layoutManagerDidInvalidateLayout
@@ -2940,7 +2942,6 @@
 - (void) updateInsertionPointStateAndRestartTimer: (BOOL)restartFlag
   /* TODO: this is a basic stopgap implementation; should work fine, but no
@@ -3024,6 +3025,10 @@
+  [self inputMethodUpdateInsertionPointX: _insertionPointRect.origin.x
+                                       Y: _insertionPointRect.origin.y];
@@ -4175,7 +4180,114 @@
        type: NSStringPboardType];
+// Support for input methods.
+@implementation NSTextView (InputMethod)
+- (void) inputMethodUpdateInsertionPointX: (float)x Y: (float)y
+  id displayServer = GSCurrentServer();
+  if (![displayServer respondsToSelector: @selector(inputMethodStyle)])
+    return;
+  if ([[displayServer inputMethodStyle] isEqual: @"OverTheSpot"])
+    {
+      id       view;
+      NSRect   frame;
+      NSPoint  p;
+      NSRect   client_win_rect;
+      NSPoint  screenXY_of_frame;
+      double   x_offset;
+      double   y_offset;
+      int      font_size;
+      NSRect   doc_rect;
+      NSRect   doc_visible_rect;
+      BOOL     cond;
+      [displayServer clientWindowRect: &client_win_rect];
+      [displayServer fontSize: &font_size];
+      cond = [[self superview] isKindOfClass: [NSClipView class]];
+      if (cond)
+       view = [self superview];
+      else
+       view = self;
+      frame = [view frame];
+      screenXY_of_frame = [[view window] convertBaseToScreen: frame.origin];
+      // N.B. The window of NSTextView isn't necessarily the same as the input
+      // method's client window.
+      x_offset = screenXY_of_frame.x - client_win_rect.origin.x; 
+      y_offset = (client_win_rect.origin.y + client_win_rect.size.height)
+       - (screenXY_of_frame.y + frame.size.height) + font_size;
+      x += x_offset;
+      y += y_offset;
+      if (cond) // If 'view' is of NSClipView, then
+       {
+         // N.B. Remember, (x, y) are the values with respect to NSTextView.
+         // We need to know the corresponding insertion position with respect
+         // to NSClipView.
+         doc_rect = [view documentRect];
+         doc_visible_rect = [view documentVisibleRect];
+         y -= doc_visible_rect.origin.y - doc_rect.origin.y;
+       }
+      p = NSMakePoint(x, y);
+      [displayServer setPreeditSpot: &p];
+    }
+- (void) inputMethodUpdateState
+  NSRect    frame;
+  int      font_size;
+  NSRect    status_area;
+  NSRect    preedit_area;
+  id       displayServer = GSCurrentServer();
+  if (![displayServer respondsToSelector: @selector(inputMethodStyle)])
+    return;
+  if (![displayServer fontSize: &font_size])
+    return;
+  if ([[self superview] isKindOfClass: [NSClipView class]])
+    frame = [[self superview] frame];
+  else
+    frame = [self frame];
+  status_area.size.width  = 2 * font_size;
+  status_area.size.height = font_size + 2;
+  status_area.origin.x    = 0;
+  status_area.origin.y    = frame.size.height - status_area.size.height;
+  if ([[displayServer inputMethodStyle] isEqual: @"OverTheSpot"])
+    {
+      preedit_area.origin.x    = 0;
+      preedit_area.origin.y    = 0;
+      preedit_area.size.width  = frame.size.width;
+      preedit_area.size.height = status_area.size.height;
+      [displayServer setStatusArea: &status_area];
+      [displayServer setPreeditArea: &preedit_area];
+    }
+  else if ([[displayServer inputMethodStyle] isEqual: @"OffTheSpot"])
+    {
+      preedit_area.origin.x    = status_area.size.width + 2;
+      preedit_area.origin.y    = status_area.origin.y;
+      preedit_area.size.width  = frame.origin.x + frame.size.width
+       - preedit_area.origin.x;
+      preedit_area.size.height = status_area.size.height;
+      [displayServer setStatusArea: &status_area];
+      [displayServer setPreeditArea: &preedit_area];
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      // Do nothing for the RootWindow style.
+    }
+@end /* NSTextView (InputMethod) */
--- XGInputServer.h.orig        2003-07-10 01:48:39.000000000 +0900
+++ XGInputServer.h     2003-07-11 01:37:00.000000000 +0900
@@ -59,6 +59,22 @@
                   name: (NSString *)name;
 - (void) ximFocusICWindow: (gswindow_device_t *)windev;
 - (void) ximCloseIC: (XIC)xic;
+// Public interface for the input methods
+@interface XIMInputServer (InputMethod)
+- (NSString *) inputMethodStyle;
+- (NSString *) fontSize: (int *)size;
+- (BOOL) clientWindowRect: (NSRect *)rect;
+- (BOOL) statusArea: (NSRect *)rect;
+- (BOOL) preeditArea: (NSRect *)rect;
+- (BOOL) preeditSpot: (NSPoint *)p;
+- (BOOL) setStatusArea: (NSRect *)rect;
+- (BOOL) setPreeditArea: (NSRect *)rect;
+- (BOOL) setPreeditSpot: (NSPoint *)p;
+@end // XIMInputServer (InputMethod)
--- XGServer.h.orig     2003-07-10 01:48:39.000000000 +0900
+++ XGServer.h  2003-07-11 01:38:48.000000000 +0900
@@ -81,4 +81,19 @@
 - (NSRect) _XFrameToOSFrame: (NSRect)x for: (void*)window;
+// Public interface for the input methods.  
+@interface XGServer (InputMethod)
+- (NSString *) inputMethodStyle;
+- (NSString *) fontSize: (int *)size;
+- (BOOL) clientWindowRect: (NSRect *)rect;
+- (BOOL) statusArea: (NSRect *)rect;
+- (BOOL) preeditArea: (NSRect *)rect;
+- (BOOL) preeditSpot: (NSPoint *)p;
+- (BOOL) setStatusArea: (NSRect *)rect;
+- (BOOL) setPreeditArea: (NSRect *)rect;
+- (BOOL) setPreeditSpot: (NSPoint *)p;
 #endif /* _XGServer_h_INCLUDE */
--- XGServer.m.orig     2003-07-10 01:48:40.000000000 +0900
+++ XGServer.m  2003-07-11 01:43:05.000000000 +0900
@@ -550,3 +550,55 @@
+@implementation XGServer (InputMethod)
+- (NSString *) inputMethodStyle
+  return inputServer ? [(XIMInputServer *)inputServer inputMethodStyle] : nil;
+- (NSString *) fontSize: (int *)size
+  return inputServer ? [(XIMInputServer *)inputServer fontSize: size] : nil;
+- (BOOL) clientWindowRect: (NSRect *)rect
+  return inputServer
+    ? [(XIMInputServer *)inputServer clientWindowRect: rect] : nil;
+- (BOOL) statusArea: (NSRect *)rect
+  return inputServer ? [(XIMInputServer *)inputServer statusArea: rect] : NO;
+- (BOOL) preeditArea: (NSRect *)rect
+  return inputServer ? [(XIMInputServer *)inputServer preeditArea: rect] : NO;
+- (BOOL) preeditSpot: (NSPoint *)p
+  return inputServer ? [(XIMInputServer *)inputServer preeditSpot: p] : NO;
+- (BOOL) setStatusArea: (NSRect *)rect
+  return inputServer
+    ? [(XIMInputServer *)inputServer setStatusArea: rect] : NO;
+- (BOOL) setPreeditArea: (NSRect *)rect
+  return inputServer
+    ? [(XIMInputServer *)inputServer setPreeditArea: rect] : NO;
+- (BOOL) setPreeditSpot: (NSPoint *)p
+  return inputServer
+    ? [(XIMInputServer *)inputServer setPreeditSpot: p] : NO;
+@end // XGServer (InputMethod)
--- XIMInputServer.m.orig       2003-07-10 01:48:40.000000000 +0900
+++ XIMInputServer.m    2003-07-11 01:40:38.000000000 +0900
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 #include "config.h"
+#include <Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h>
 #include <Foundation/NSData.h>
 #include <Foundation/NSDebug.h>
 #include <Foundation/NSException.h>
@@ -37,6 +38,11 @@
 #include "x11/XGInputServer.h"
 #include <X11/Xlocale.h>
+#define RootWindowStyle            (XIMPreeditNothing  | XIMStatusNothing)
+#define OffTheSpotStyle            (XIMPreeditArea     | XIMStatusArea)
+#define OverTheSpotStyle    (XIMPreeditPosition        | XIMStatusArea)
+#define OnTheSpotStyle     (XIMPreeditCallbacks| XIMStatusCallbacks)
 @interface XIMInputServer (XIMPrivate)
 - (BOOL) ximInit: (Display *)dpy;
@@ -240,31 +246,57 @@
 - (int) ximStyleInit
-  /* FIXME: Right now we only support this style *but*
-     this is only temporary */
-  XIMStyle xim_supported_style=XIMPreeditNothing|XIMStatusNothing;
+  XIMStyle xim_requested_style;
   XIMStyles *styles;
   char *failed_arg;
   int i;
+  char *request;
+  if ((request = getenv("GNUSTEP_INPUT_METHOD_STYLE")) == NULL)
+    {
+      xim_requested_style = RootWindowStyle;
+    }
+  else if (!strcmp(request, "RootWindow"))
+    {
+      xim_requested_style = RootWindowStyle;
+    }
+  else if (!strcmp(request, "OffTheSpot"))
+    {
+      xim_requested_style = OffTheSpotStyle;
+    }
+  else if (!strcmp(request, "OverTheSpot"))
+    {
+      xim_requested_style = OverTheSpotStyle;
+    }
+  else if (!strcmp(request, "OnTheSpot"))
+    {
+      xim_requested_style = OnTheSpotStyle;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      NSLog(@"XIM: Unknown style '%s'.\n"
+           @"Fallback to RootWindow style.", request);
+      xim_requested_style = RootWindowStyle;
+    }
-  failed_arg = XGetIMValues(xim,XNQueryInputStyle,&styles,NULL);
-  if (failed_arg!=NULL)
+  failed_arg = XGetIMValues(xim, XNQueryInputStyle, &styles, NULL);
+  if (failed_arg != NULL)
       NSDebugLLog(@"XIM", @"Can't getting the following IM value :%s",
       return 0;
-  for (i=0;i<styles->count_styles;i++)
+  for (i = 0; i < styles->count_styles; i++)
-      if (styles->supported_styles[i]==xim_supported_style)
+      if (styles->supported_styles[i] == xim_requested_style)
-         xim_style=xim_supported_style;
+         xim_style = xim_requested_style;
          return 1;
+  NSLog(@"XIM: '%s' is not supported", request);
   return 0;
@@ -315,10 +347,111 @@
 - (XIC) ximCreateIC: (Window)w
-  XIC xic;
-  xic = XCreateIC(xim, XNClientWindow, w, XNInputStyle,
-                 xim_style, NULL);
-  if (xic==NULL)
+  XIC xic = NULL;
+  if (xim_style == RootWindowStyle)
+    {
+      xic = XCreateIC(xim,
+                     XNInputStyle, xim_style,
+                     XNClientWindow, w,
+                     NULL);
+    }
+  else if (xim_style == OffTheSpotStyle || xim_style == OverTheSpotStyle)
+    {
+      Display      *dpy = [XGServer currentXDisplay];
+      XFontSet     font_set;
+      char         **missing_charset;
+      int          num_missing_charset;
+      int          dummy = 0;
+      XVaNestedList preedit_args = NULL;
+      XVaNestedList status_args = NULL;        
+      XRectangle    status_area;
+      XRectangle    preedit_area;
+      XPoint       preedit_spot;
+      NSString     *ns_font_size;
+      int          font_size;
+      char         base_font_name[64];
+      //
+      // Create a FontSet
+      //
+      // N.B. Because some input methods fail to provide a default font set,
+      // we have to do it by ourselves.
+      ns_font_size = [self fontSize: &font_size];
+      sprintf(base_font_name, "*medium-r-normal--%s*", [ns_font_size cString]);
+      font_set = XCreateFontSet(dpy,
+                               base_font_name,
+                               &missing_charset,
+                               &num_missing_charset,
+                               NULL);
+      if (!font_set)
+       {
+         goto finish;
+       }
+      if (missing_charset)
+       {
+         int i;
+         NSLog(@"XIM: missing charset: ");
+         for (i = 0; i < num_missing_charset; ++i)
+           NSLog(@"%s", missing_charset[i]);
+         XFreeStringList(missing_charset);
+       }
+      //
+      // Create XIC.
+      //
+      // At least, XNFontSet and XNPreeditSpotLocation must be specified
+      // at initialization time.
+      //
+      status_area.width = font_size * 2;
+      status_area.height = font_size + 2;
+      status_area.x = 0;
+      status_area.y = 0;
+      status_args = XVaCreateNestedList(dummy,
+                                       XNArea, &status_area,
+                                       XNFontSet, font_set,
+                                       NULL);
+      preedit_area.width = 120;
+      preedit_area.height = status_area.height;
+      preedit_area.x = 0;
+      preedit_area.y = 0;
+      preedit_spot.x = 0;
+      preedit_spot.y = 0;
+      preedit_args = XVaCreateNestedList(dummy,
+                                        XNArea, &preedit_area,
+                                        XNSpotLocation, &preedit_spot,
+                                        XNFontSet, font_set,
+                                        NULL);
+      xic = XCreateIC(xim,
+                     XNInputStyle, xim_style,
+                     XNClientWindow, w,
+                     XNPreeditAttributes, preedit_args,
+                     XNStatusAttributes, status_args,
+                     NULL);
+      if (preedit_args) { XFree(preedit_args); preedit_args = NULL; }
+      if (status_args) { XFree(status_args); status_args = NULL; }
+      if (font_set) XFreeFontSet(dpy, font_set);
+    }
+  else if (xim_style == OnTheSpotStyle)
+    {
+      NSLog(@"XIM: GNUstep doesn't support 'OnTheSpot'.\n"
+           @"Fallback to RootWindow style.");
+      xim_style = RootWindowStyle;
+      xic = XCreateIC(xim,
+                     XNInputStyle, xim_style,
+                     XNClientWindow, w,
+                     NULL);
+    }
+  if (xic == NULL)
     NSDebugLLog(@"XIM", @"Can't create the input context.\n");
   xics = realloc(xics, sizeof(XIC) * (num_xics + 1));
@@ -356,3 +489,218 @@
+@implementation XIMInputServer (InputMethod)
+- (NSString *) inputMethodStyle
+  if (num_xics > 0)
+    {
+      if (xim_style == RootWindowStyle)
+       return @"RootWindow";
+      else if (xim_style == OffTheSpotStyle)
+       return @"OffTheSpot";
+      else if (xim_style == OverTheSpotStyle)
+       return @"OverTheSpot";
+      else if (xim_style == OnTheSpotStyle)
+       return @"OnTheSpot";
+    }
+  return nil;
+- (NSString *) fontSize: (int *)size
+  NSString *str;
+  str = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey: @"NSFontSize"];
+  if (!str)
+    str = @"12";
+  *size = (int)strtol([str cString], NULL, 10);
+  return str;
+- (BOOL) clientWindowRect: (NSRect *)rect
+  Window       win;
+  Window       dummy;
+  Display      *dpy;
+  int          abs_x, abs_y;
+  int          x, y;
+  unsigned int  w, h;
+  unsigned int  bw, d;
+  if (num_xics <= 0 || !rect) return NO;
+  *rect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+  if (XGetICValues(xics[num_xics - 1], XNClientWindow, &win, NULL))
+    return NO;
+  dpy = [XGServer currentXDisplay];
+  if (XTranslateCoordinates(dpy, win, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), 0, 0,
+                           &abs_x, &abs_y, &dummy) == 0)
+    return NO;
+  XGetGeometry(dpy, win, &dummy, &x, &y, &w, &h, &bw, &d);
+  // X Window Coordinates to GNUstep Coordinates
+  x = abs_x;
+  y = XDisplayHeight(dpy, 0) - (abs_y + h);
+  *rect =  NSMakeRect((float)x, (float)y, (float)w, (float)h);
+  return YES;
+- (BOOL) statusArea: (NSRect *)rect
+  if (num_xics > 0 && (xim_style & XIMStatusArea))
+    {
+      XRectangle    area;
+      int          dummy = 0;
+      XVaNestedList arglist = NULL;
+      if (!(arglist = XVaCreateNestedList(dummy, XNArea, &area, NULL)))
+       {
+         return NO;
+       }
+      XGetICValues(xics[num_xics - 1], XNStatusAttributes, arglist, NULL);
+      rect->origin.x   = area.x;
+      rect->origin.y   = area.y;
+      rect->size.width = area.width;
+      rect->size.height        = area.height;
+      if (arglist) { XFree(arglist); arglist = NULL; }
+      return YES;
+    }
+  return NO;
+- (BOOL) preeditArea: (NSRect *)rect
+  if (num_xics > 0
+      && ((xim_style & XIMPreeditArea) || (xim_style & XIMPreeditPosition)))
+    {
+      XRectangle    area;
+      int          dummy = 0;
+      XVaNestedList arglist = NULL;
+      if (!(arglist = XVaCreateNestedList(dummy, XNArea, &area, NULL)))
+       {
+         return NO;
+       }
+      XGetICValues(xics[num_xics - 1], XNPreeditAttributes, arglist, NULL);
+      rect->origin.x   = area.x;
+      rect->origin.y   = area.y;
+      rect->size.width = area.width;
+      rect->size.height        = area.height;
+      if (arglist) { XFree(arglist); arglist = NULL; }
+      return YES;
+    }
+  return NO;
+- (BOOL) preeditSpot: (NSPoint *)p
+  if (num_xics > 0 && (xim_style & XIMPreeditPosition))
+    {
+      XPoint       spot;
+      int          dummy = 0;
+      XVaNestedList arglist = NULL;
+      if (!(arglist = XVaCreateNestedList(dummy, XNSpotLocation, &spot, NULL)))
+       {
+         return NO;
+       }
+      XGetICValues(xics[num_xics - 1], XNPreeditAttributes, arglist, NULL);
+      p->x = spot.x;
+      p->y = spot.y;
+      if (arglist) { XFree(arglist); arglist = NULL; }
+      return YES;
+    }
+  return NO;
+- (BOOL) setStatusArea: (NSRect *)rect
+  if (num_xics > 0 && (xim_style & XIMStatusArea))
+    {
+      XRectangle    area;
+      int          dummy = 0;
+      XVaNestedList arglist = NULL;
+      area.x       = rect->origin.x;
+      area.y       = rect->origin.y;
+      area.width    = rect->size.width;
+      area.height   = rect->size.height;
+      if (!(arglist = XVaCreateNestedList(dummy, XNArea, &area, NULL)))
+       {
+         return NO;
+       }
+      XSetICValues(xics[num_xics - 1], XNStatusAttributes, arglist, NULL);
+      if (arglist) { XFree(arglist); arglist = NULL; }
+      return YES;
+    }
+  return NO;
+- (BOOL) setPreeditArea: (NSRect *)rect
+  if (num_xics > 0
+      && ((xim_style & XIMPreeditArea) || (xim_style & XIMPreeditPosition)))
+    {
+      XRectangle    area;
+      int          dummy = 0;
+      XVaNestedList arglist = NULL;
+      area.x       = rect->origin.x;
+      area.y       = rect->origin.y;
+      area.width    = rect->size.width;
+      area.height   = rect->size.height;
+      if (!(arglist = XVaCreateNestedList(dummy, XNArea, &area, NULL)))
+       {
+         return NO;
+       }
+      XSetICValues(xics[num_xics - 1], XNPreeditAttributes, arglist, NULL);
+      if (arglist) { XFree(arglist); arglist = NULL; }
+      return YES;
+    }
+  return NO;
+- (BOOL) setPreeditSpot: (NSPoint *)p
+  if (num_xics > 0 && (xim_style & XIMPreeditPosition))
+    {
+      XPoint       spot;
+      int          dummy = 0;
+      XVaNestedList arglist = NULL;
+      spot.x = p->x;
+      spot.y = p->y;
+      if (!(arglist = XVaCreateNestedList(dummy, XNSpotLocation, &spot, NULL)))
+       {
+         return NO;
+       }
+      XSetICValues(xics[num_xics - 1], XNPreeditAttributes, arglist, NULL);
+      if (arglist) { XFree(arglist); arglist = NULL; }
+      return YES;
+    }
+  return NO;
+@end // XIMInputServer (InputMethod)
2003-07-11  Kazunobu Kuriyama <kazunobu.kuriyama@nifty.com>

        * Header/x11/XGInputServer.h: Add the new category InputMethod.
        * Header/x11/XGServer.h: Add the new category InputMethod.
        * Source/x11/XIMInputServer.m:
        ([XIMInputServer (XIMPrivate) -ximStyleInit]): Cover the input
        method styles RootWindow, OffTheSpot, OverTheSpot, and OnTheSpot.
        ([XIMInputServer (XIMPrivate) -ximCreateIC:]): Implement OffTheSpot
        and OverTheSpot.  Implement the category InputMethod.
        * Source/x11/XGServer.m: Implement the category InputMethod.

2003-07-11  Kazunobu Kuriyama <kazunobu.kuriyama@nifty.com>

        * Headers/gnustep/gui/GSDisplayServer.h: Add the new category
        * Headers/gnustep/gui/NSTextView.h: Add the new category InputMethod.
        * Source/GSDisplayServer.m: Implement the category InputMethod.
        * Source/NSTextView.m: Implement the category InputMethod.
        ([NSTextView (GSTextView_sync) -updateState:]):
        Invoke -inputMethodUpdateState.
        ([NSTextView (leftovers) -updateInsertionPointStateAndRestartTimer:]):
        Invoke -inputMethodUpdateInsertionPointX:Y:.

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