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Re: [patch #1757] [Patch #1757] Allow build of gdl2 on MacOSX (kinda clu

From: David Ayers
Subject: Re: [patch #1757] [Patch #1757] Allow build of gdl2 on MacOSX (kinda clunky)
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 11:32:00 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624

Ok, now I've got it...

- I'll have a look into removing the dependancy of GNUstep specific environment variables. - Even though the FlatFileAdaptor and LDAPAdaptor have a very permisive license, I don't think it's apropriate to make them part of the gdl2 repository. Maybe we should have a "non-gnu" adaptor repository somewhere and point to it from gdl2 documentation (maybe a README within our Adaptor directory). - NSFault / NSFaultHandler ... OK, the WWDC hasn't revealed a new EOF. I must say I'm a bit relieved, in light of potentially requiering a GDL3 for compatibility. I still think that we shouldn't try to use classes we know so little about, but the patches are a *lot* less intrusive now (thanks a lot!), so I'm not as worried as before. I'll leave this issue for the maintainer to decide. - We could create the macosx directory. Yet the binary files gdl2/macosx/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings (unicode I presume) will have to be submitted seprately as the patch doesn't contain them. Were the <user>.pbxuser files intended to be part of the patch? - I'll also look into the other patches to the PostgresAdaptor, EOClassDescription and EOObeserver.

Anyway, we'll need a copyright assignment in place for it. But I think we already have one, don't we? ;-)


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