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Re: [bug #4459] gopen wrongly using -a switch

From: Jeff Teunissen
Subject: Re: [bug #4459] gopen wrongly using -a switch
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 19:44:55 -0400

Gregory John Casamento wrote:
> I was actually trying to correct this as well.   When -[NSWorkspace
> openFile:withApplication:] is called using a file type which the
> specified app doesn't recognize, the application refuses to load the
> file.

This is a problem caused by the way NSDocument was designed, and how it
was implemented in GNUstep.

On OPENSTEP, where NSDocument doesn't exist, the same thing can happen,
but it's up to the app whether or not it will. The NSExtensions dictionary
in the application info is only used by the Workspace to determine which
app to use automatically. Apps are suggested to do what they can with
anything they're sent, and sometimes that means to pop up an alert panel
saying they can't open the file.

For applications using NSDocument*, the app itself never sees requests to
open file types it hasn't registered for -- they're silently ignored by
the NSDocument* system.

However, on Mac OS X, TextEdit advertises that it can open the file type
"*", which allows it to open anything.

| Jeff Teunissen  -=-  Pres., Dusk To Dawn Computing  -=-  deek @ d2dc.net
| GPG: 1024D/9840105A   7102 808A 7733 C2F3 097B  161B 9222 DAB8 9840 105A
| Core developer, The QuakeForge Project        http://www.quakeforge.net/
| Specializing in Debian GNU/Linux              http://www.d2dc.net/~deek/

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