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xml property lists

From: Rob Burns
Subject: xml property lists
Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2003 23:56:49 +0700

Thanks! that fixed it. But I seem to have another problem now. plparse will 
segfault after parsing it.

bash-2.05b$ plparse Dictionary.plist
2003-08-07 23:44:16.860 plparse[19917] don't know how to load entity 
'http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd' id '-//Apple Computer//DTD 
PLIST 1.0//EN'
.:3: validity error: Validation failed: no DTD found !
<plist version="1.0">
Parsing 'Dictionary.plist' - a dictionary
Segmentation fault

the backtrace is quite long (and repetetive). here is the first part of it.

#0  0x40136cb9 in NSDecrementExtraRefCountWasZero () from 
#1  0x40138a6e in _i_NSObject__release () from 
#2  0x401bdf7e in _i_GSXMLNode__dealloc () from 
#3  0x40138aa1 in _i_NSObject__release () from 
#4  0x401bdf7e in _i_GSXMLNode__dealloc () from 
#5  0x40138aa1 in _i_NSObject__release () from 
#6  0x401bdf7e in _i_GSXMLNode__dealloc () from 
#7  0x40138aa1 in _i_NSObject__release () from 
#8  0x401bdf7e in _i_GSXMLNode__dealloc () from 
#9  0x40138aa1 in _i_NSObject__release () from 
#10 0x401bdf7e in _i_GSXMLNode__dealloc () from 

The plist file that I'm trying to use is rather large (~9 mb), but I've been 
unable to put a smaller plist together that crashes the same way. It can be 
found at:


The initial problem came from this file as well.


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