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[bug #4664] NSBrowser releases matrix when it should not

From: nobody
Subject: [bug #4664] NSBrowser releases matrix when it should not
Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2003 19:41:28 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.2) Gecko/20030401 Debian/1.0.2-2

=================== BUG #4664: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Submitted by: stefanu                 Project: GNUstep                      
Submitted on: Fri 08/08/03 at 01:41
Category:  Gui/AppKit                 Severity:  5 - Major                  
Bug Group:  Bug                       Resolution:  None                     
Assigned to:  None                    Status:  Open                         

Summary:  NSBrowser releases matrix when it should not

Original Submission:  In NSBrowser.m around line 2714 RELEASE(matrix) is 
causing probles. Browser tries to use that matrix later, but it is released. I 
have tried to trace this bug, but i had no time. What i have found is, that it 
is sometimes trying to send messages to deallocated matrix when using more 
column browser and active delegate. Removing that RELEASE solves the problem.

I am not able to surely reproduce this bug.

AUTORELEASE instead of RELEASE seems to work too (no crashes so far).

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