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Re: [bug #4691] with X 4.3 xlib backend is dead (except on bload distros

From: Alban Browaeys
Subject: Re: [bug #4691] with X 4.3 xlib backend is dead (except on bload distros))
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2003 02:05:08 +0200
User-agent: Pan/0.14.0 (I'm Being Nibbled to Death by Cats!)

Le Fri, 15 Aug 2003 09:51:00 -0400, nobod a écrit :
>this is not just about closing a bug for GNUstep. If your font
>configuration for X is broken there really is nothing we could do about
>it. Even xlsfonts will fail for you, which uses very similar interfaces to
>font_cacher. And if you want to avoid the use of font_cacher GNUstep
>offers you different ways to do so the XFT fonts for xlib or the libart
> FredKiefer@gmx.de

So i "tried" to take it the happily the first time ... 

You are talking to a guy who fixed X conf for three years.
Do you really expect me to discover xlsfont.
Bah that s  pointless thanks for closing this bugs , I ll go fix this one
day or another. Good luck and feel free to feel skilled.


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