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[Fwd: Bug#206915: Memory leak in NSBitmapImageRep initWithBitmapDataPlan

From: Eric Heintzmann
Subject: [Fwd: Bug#206915: Memory leak in NSBitmapImageRep initWithBitmapDataPlanes]
Date: 23 Aug 2003 23:22:20 +0200

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-----Forwarded Message from the Debian Bug Tacking System-----

From: PUYDT Julien <julien.puydt@laposte.net>
To: submit@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Bug#206915: Memory leak in NSBitmapImageRep initWithBitmapDataPlanes
Date: 23 Aug 2003 21:33:11 +0200

Package: gnustep-gui
Version: 0.8.8-5

This is not an unknown problem, since the comment just before the
implementation is:
/* Note: If data is actaully passed to us in planes, we DO NOT own this
   data and we DO NOT copy it. Just assume that it will always be   

I'm writing a little app that takes pictures from my webcam and then
displays them. I really want to be able to free the buffers I malloc'ed:
if the picture gets updated twenty times per second, this becomes a
terrible memory leak.

I got a quick look at the function, and I don't think it would be too
difficult to copy the data; the only things that prevent me to provide a
patch are:
* I don't feel comfortable enough with the way objc&gnustep handle
memory to know how to allocate&copy properly;
* the freeing of that memory must certainly be added somewhere, but I
don't know where.

perhaps I'll be able to do that quite soon, but not yet, sorry,

Snark on #gnustep

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