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patches to gnustep/core/back/Source/winlib/WIN32GState.m

From: Leigh Smith
Subject: patches to gnustep/core/back/Source/winlib/WIN32GState.m
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2003 17:15:43 -0400

It seems I accidently sent my last patch to WIN32GState.m without a ChangeLog entry. Sorry for that. I am resubmitting the patch together with a ChangeLog entry. Hopefully this will expedite incorporation of the patch into the repository. Please let me know if there are any problems with the patch that needs revision.

2003-10-19    <leigh@leighsmith.com>

        * Source/winlib/WIN32GState.m ([WIN -_paintPath:drawType]):
        Corrected bug in Bezier curves, a bug in line widths and adds a
        workaround for a Windows GDI drawing bug when drawing curved wide

Attachment: WIN32GState.patch
Description: Binary data

Leigh Smith

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