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system colors

From: Rob Burns
Subject: system colors
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 10:12:55 +0700

I was experimenting with changing the colors in GNUstep, and found that NSTabView wasn't paying attention to the changes. If I understand things correctly, using drawButton instead of NSDrawButton in the drawRect: method will fix this. The included patch does this.

Also, the gnustep menus currently do not make use of the windowFrameColor default. I think the problem is in the GSTitleView class. The other included patch appears to fix this. The patch only works for menu windows, and not regular windows (if/when GSTitleView is used for regular windows).

If these changes are correct, could someone make the changes in cvs?

And, somewhat related, the background of the icons above the browser in GWorkspace remains dark grey regardless of the color defaults. I haven't been able to find where this gets done.


--- CVS/gnustep/core/gui/Source/NSTabView.m 2004-02-09 17:09:33.051288976 +0000
+++ NSTabView.m 2004-02-09 16:58:40.769450888 +0000
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 #include "AppKit/NSTabView.h"
 #include "AppKit/NSTabViewItem.h"
 #include "AppKit/PSOperators.h"
+#include "GNUstepGUI/GSDrawFunctions.h"

 @implementation NSTabView

@@ -360,20 +361,20 @@
       case NSTopTabsBezelBorder:
        aRect.size.height -= 16;
-       NSDrawButton(aRect, NSZeroRect);
+       [GSDrawFunctions drawButton: aRect : NSZeroRect];
        borderThickness = 2;

       case NSBottomTabsBezelBorder:
        aRect.size.height -= 16;
        aRect.origin.y += 16;
-       NSDrawButton(aRect, rect);
+       [GSDrawFunctions drawButton: aRect : rect];
        aRect.origin.y -= 16;
        borderThickness = 2;

       case NSNoTabsBezelBorder:
-       NSDrawButton(aRect, rect);
+       [GSDrawFunctions drawButton: aRect : rect];
        borderThickness = 2;

--- CVS/gnustep/core/gui/Source/GSTitleView.m 2004-02-09 17:47:42.183288016 +0000
+++ GSTitleView.m       2004-02-09 17:42:03.542769200 +0000
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
       _ownedByMenu = YES;

       RELEASE (titleColor);
-      titleColor = RETAIN ([NSColor blackColor]);
+      titleColor = RETAIN ([NSColor windowFrameColor]);
       [textAttributes setObject: [NSColor whiteColor]
                          forKey: NSForegroundColorAttributeName];

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