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Re: [bugs #8383] NSKeyedArchiver saves localized numbers on Windows

From: Stefan Urbanek
Subject: Re: [bugs #8383] NSKeyedArchiver saves localized numbers on Windows
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 21:06:29 +0200

On 2004-03-31 12:15:00 +0200 anonymous <noreply@savannah.gnu.org> wrote:

Summary:  NSKeyedArchiver saves localized numbers on Windows

Original Submission: I'm using Windows 2000 with German localization. gnustep-base is 1.9.1 from the automatic installer on the gnustep.org page. When using NSKeyedArchiver, numbers like "1.5" are saved as "1,5", i.e. in their localized form. If I change the decimal seperator to "." in the system settings, the numbers are saved correctly.

Hm, this reminds me ... isn't saving floating point numbers as text dangerous? it 
can result in unexpected behaviour as float->text conversion cat greately loose 
precision. Would it be possible to store floats as (or in addion as) some encoded 
float/double bytes?


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