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[bugs #9001] incorrect printing of hungarian characters

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: [bugs #9001] incorrect printing of hungarian characters
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 06:03:43 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.2; Linux) (KHTML, like Gecko)

This mail is an automated notification from the bugs tracker
 of the project: GNUstep.

[bugs #9001] Latest Modifications:

Changes by: 
                Fred Kiefer <FredKiefer@gmx.de>
                Mon 06/21/2004 at 10:03 (GMT)

            What     | Removed                   | Added
            Category | Makefiles                 | Backend

------------------ Additional Follow-up Comments ----------------------------
Corrected Category.

There is a difference between X (and Unicode) glyph names and the Postscript 
glyoh names. We may need to implement a mapping table for this in GSFontInfo 
and not rely on the font implemantion i the backend.

[bugs #9001] Full Item Snapshot:

URL: <http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?func=detailitem&item_id=9001>
Project: GNUstep
Submitted by: 0
On: Tue 05/18/2004 at 18:54

Category:  Backend
Severity:  5 - Average
Item Group:  Change Request
Resolution:  None
Assigned to:  None
Status:  Open

Summary:  incorrect printing of hungarian characters

Original Submission:  when I create a print file with gnustep, the printing 
framework uses (the display in applications is correct) in the print file
odoubleacute for ohungarumlaut
Odoubleacute for Ohungarumlaut
udoubleacute for uhungarumlaut
Udoubleacute for Uhungarumlaut
please see atteched files

Follow-up Comments

Date: Mon 06/21/2004 at 10:03       By: FredKiefer
Corrected Category.

There is a difference between X (and Unicode) glyph names and the Postscript 
glyoh names. We may need to implement a mapping table for this in GSFontInfo 
and not rely on the font implemantion i the backend.

File Attachments

Date: Tue 05/18/2004 at 18:54  Name: badandgood.zip  Size: 18KB   By: None
bad and good hungarian characters

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