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Re: [bugs #10310] NSPageLayout Panel UI

From: Quentin Mathé
Subject: Re: [bugs #10310] NSPageLayout Panel UI
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004 19:31:32 +0200

Le 7 sept. 04, à 13:19, Fabien VALLON a écrit :

Summary:  NSPageLayout Panel UI

Original Submission: It seems that GSPageLayout UI change and it looks :
- ugly
- too big (height)
- with less features than the original one (attrinbuts part)

Can you revert to the original one please.

hmm, Fabien, this last sentence is not a very constructive…
I think Chad is trying to do what he can to improve the printing experience, but it is work in progress… then it is not fair to ask without discussion to revert to the previous layout.


Quentin Mathé

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