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Re: [bugs #10816] Can't build palettes on win32

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: [bugs #10816] Can't build palettes on win32
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 00:35:21 +0100 (BST)

In win32, you likely have to add a xxx_LIBRARIES_DEPEND_UPON += somelib
the the makefile.

can't make be easily made to do this automatically?

Um, no - unless you want make to figure out all the external symbols in your program and go search through your entire hard drive to figure out which libraries implement them :-)

Yes, but you could make it make a simple assumption that any library linked to also should be made a LIBRARIES_DEPEND_UPON, which, unless I'm missing something, seems logical.

Ahm - yes / no / not sure what the thread means at this point, there seem to be some confusion here.

Reading the bug report (and not having a Windows machine to check), to me it looks like Gregory's assesment that -lGorm is missing on Windows might be the correct diagnosis.

This could either be automated, by adding ADDITIONAL_GUI_LIBS += -lGorm in palette.make (probably conditional to GUI_LIB == gnu), or palettes could be required to add ADDITIONAL_GUI_LIBS += -lGorm in the makefile if they are building a Gorm palette.

Assuming this is what we need, probably automating is a good idea, so here is the patch --

Index: palette.make
RCS file: /cvsroot/gnustep/gnustep/core/make/Instance/palette.make,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -u -r1.26 palette.make
--- palette.make        12 Jul 2004 03:24:33 -0000      1.26
+++ palette.make        28 Oct 2004 23:16:29 -0000
@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@
+# If this is a Gorm palette, plug in the Gorm library.
+ifeq ($(GUI_LIB), gnu)
+  PALETTE_LIBS += -lGorm

 ALL_PALETTE_LIBS =                                             \

If it works (someone with Windows needs to test it), let's put it in. Having quickly looked at them, Gorm's own palettes GNUmakefile code might need modification if we make this change: in order to find -lGorm on windows, you probably need -L../../GormLib/$(GNUSTEP_OBJ_DIR) in there (I mean in Gorm/Palettes/0Menus/GNUmakefile.preamble and similar locations), we might as well always add it. From the bug report I deduce you can't really build palettes on Windows anyway at the moment (else if you can already build the Gorm ones the bug is something different) ?

Other / custom palettes won't need this because libGorm will be already installed and so easily found.

If adding -lGorm when GUI_LIB == gnu is too simplistic and the zoology is more complex, we should probably not change palette.make then, and require palettes' implementors to add -lGorm in the GNUmakefile when they know they are building a Gorm palette instead (are non-Gorm palettes possible? I suppose you could have an Apple IB palette, probably you could try to have a palette where the same source code compiles with both Gorm and Apple IB, but it looks like conditionals on GUI_LIB == gnu are enough to support this). If so, it will only be used in Windows (and systems were linking is compulsory) even if you add it to ADDITIONAL_GUI_LIBS regardless of machine type, so implementors might well just always add the IB library they want to use to ADDITIONAL_GUI_LIBS, and that should work.


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