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Re: [bugs #9279] center aligned, editable NSTextFields

From: Quentin Mathé
Subject: Re: [bugs #9279] center aligned, editable NSTextFields
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 17:33:21 +0100

Le 11 nov. 04, à 15:25, Alexander Malmberg a écrit :

Summary:  center aligned, editable NSTextFields

Original Submission: when text in a center aligned, editable text field is displayed, it is centered. but, while editing it is right aligned. The text is shifted left as you type. With the latin alphabet this works, even if visually not very appealing. With other alphabets (Thai in this case), not every letter will cause the string to shift left, because the character is placed on top or bottom of the previous one, rather than to the right. consequently, you can't see what you are typing.

Follow-up Comments

Date: Thu 11/11/04 at 14:19         By: Alexander Malmberg <alexm>
Fixed in cvs by:
CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gnustep
Module name:    gnustep
Changes by: Alexander Malmberg <alexander(at)malmberg(dot)org> 04/11/11 14:10:08

Modified files:
        core/gui       : ChangeLog
        core/gui/Source: NSCell.m NSLayoutManager.m NSTextView.m

Well, it's a dream to see this bug fixed, thanks a lot Alex. :-)


Quentin Mathé

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