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[bugs #3414] Font size inconsistency

From: Alexander Malmberg
Subject: [bugs #3414] Font size inconsistency
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 14:08:11 +0000
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This is an automated notification sent by Savannah.
It relates to:
                bugs #3414, project GNUstep


               Posted by: Alexander Malmberg <alexm>
               Posted on: 2005-01-13 14:08 (Europe/Stockholm)

                Category:              Gui/AppKit -> Backend                
                Severity:             5 - Average -> 3 - Ordinary           
              Item Group:                     Bug -> Change Request         

 OVERVIEW of bugs #3414:


                 Summary: Font size inconsistency
                 Project: GNUstep
            Submitted by: stefanu
            Submitted on: Thu 05/01/03 at 07:56
                Category: Backend
                Severity: 3 - Ordinary
              Item Group: Change Request
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open


Font rendering does ignore screen resolution and font size seems to be in
pixels instead of points. There are several problemswith this:

1. Applications have very small fonts when using large screen resolution.
(compare to KDE, Gnome, Mozilla...)

2. Two different sizes are useed: one for screen other for printing. To be
able to have comfortably readable screen fonts I am using sizes from 14 to
18. When I want to print a text or any other view, i have to change font size
to smaller (normal) size, that is from 8 to 12. This is completely against
basic GNUstep display principle - WYSIWIG and the behaviour is not as
expected. (I do not have to care whether I am printing to screen or printer,
so why I do have to care about using different fonts for screen and for

I consider it to be incosistency and I think that point size should be used
(as expected).


Follow-up Comments:

Date: Thu 05/01/03 at 10:11         By: Alexander Malmberg <alexm>
Font sizes are in points, but all backends currently assume that the display
is 72dpi.

It would be very easy for me to have back-art render at any resolution given
a scale factor (although it might take some tweaking to get it to look good).
However, there's a lot of work that needs doing in back/Source/x11/ to
translate window sizes and event positions and such.

(This is a backend issue, but there's no backend category. Could someone add
one? (Adam?))


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