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Re: Compilation on OS X failed

From: Quentin Mathé
Subject: Re: Compilation on OS X failed
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 13:10:12 +0100

Le 26 janv. 05, à 07:37, Oliver Langer a écrit :

More details are needed here : Mac OS X version, Apple developer tools version, FSF GCC version, gnustep-make and gnustep-base version (for cvs version, the date is needed)… When have you tried to install it the last time ? Was it a cvs version ? When you talk about README, do you mean the README.Darwin ?

i am using
  gcc version 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1671)
  OS X 10.3.7
  and i did not use XCode, i've just used the make variant.
  gs-make: 1.10.0
  gs-base: 1.10.0

I got the information about the configuration from
especially from the sections
  1.3 and 1.13.

From http://www.gnustep.org/information/machines_toc.html :
 1.3 Darwin/PowerPC

 Currently tested on Darwin 6.x, 7.x

 Recommended compiler
gcc 3.3.2. Older versions will not compile on Darwin.

Default compiler has unknown problems. Use the GNU runtime. Download the gcc compiler and configure it with --enable-threads=posix.


"Default compiler" means Apple GCC. "Use the GNU runtime. Download the gcc compiler" means download FSF GCC and compiles it, FSF GCC includes the GNU runtime which GNUstep is relying on… :-)

Well I admit it is not very clear. The fact is GNUstep (base, gui and back) cannot be built on Mac OS X with Apple GCC, except for gnustep-make and gnustep-base extensions. Apple GCC is bundled with the NeXT runtime for Objective-C which is different from the GNU runtime used by GNUstep, but even if you install the GNU runtime and you specify to GCC to use it for Objective-C code, it won't work. … otherwise FSF GCC bundles the GNU runtime unlike Apple GCC. In the future the possibility to specify which runtime we want to use when we compile either with Apple or FSF GCC could be restored but it is not the case currently.

I have updated the 'Machines' documentation one month ago to make things more clear http://savannah.gnu.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/gnustep/gnustep/core/make/ GNUstep-HOWTO?rev=1.33&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup but it hasn't been reflected on the gnustep.org web pages, it needs to be done… :-/

For a complete GNUstep installation on Mac OS X, read /gnustep/core/make/Document/README.Darwin, it is fairly detailed. Important : you need GNUstep recent cvs version, because the last release of the Apple developer tools this fall introduced a linker update which makes impossible to link latest released GNUstep packages (The problem is corrected in GNUstep cvs).

I hope it helps.

Quentin Mathé

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