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[bugs #11713] Windows resizable when they shouldn't be

From: Alexander Malmberg
Subject: [bugs #11713] Windows resizable when they shouldn't be
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 19:57:18 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20050105 Debian/1.7.5-1

Follow-up Comment #3, bugs #11713 (project gnustep):

OK, to clarify on a few points here:

An NSWindow that doesn't have the NSResizableWindowMask bit set cannot be
resized by the user. (It can still be resized programatically, but that's not
relevant here, so I'm going to ignore it.)

setWindowHintsForStyle (back/Source/x11/XGServerWindow.m) tries to set hints
that communicate this information to window managers. Currently, it sets
motif style hints. Apparently, there are window managers that don't
understand these hints, and thus the windows are resizable even when they
shouldn't be.

As for min and max size, my point was that we can, perhaps, "emulate" a
non-resizable window be setting equal min and max sizes, even on window
managers that don't understand motif hints. Long term, it'd be better to
support setting other hints to let these window managers know about this,
though. (And to prevent any possible future confusion, note that this has
nothing to do with the window min/max size in NSWindow in gui. :)

Anyway, I've attached a quick hack of a patch that does this. Testing would
be appreciated! :)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: window_resize.patch            Size:1 KB



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