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[bugs #12158] Custom views in gorm and NSCoding problem

From: Gregory John Casamento
Subject: [bugs #12158] Custom views in gorm and NSCoding problem
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 14:32:18 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4.2) Gecko/20040921

Follow-up Comment #4, bugs #12158 (project gnustep):

I'm glad you feel this way and, fortunately, I disagree. :)  Our current
implementation functions as expected, per Apple/NeXT documentation.  See

When a template is decoded in the running application, it becomes the custom
subclass which the user chose in Gorm.  The initWithCoder: method on that
custom object must be called so that any addition initlization that the
developer wants to happen (not decoding of additional attributes) can be
done.   This is documented as such.   The change you suggest would require
that AppKit call the superclass implementation of the initWithCoder: method,
which is not correct and could potentially cause GNUstep to skip
initialization which is implemented there by developers.

I recently updated Gorm's documentation to have a full explaination of all of
this, so please review this if you wish.

Please also see:
The question you are looking for is: "Why does my application crash when I
implement initWithCoder (or the above referenced Java Coder constructor) in
my custom subclass of a Cocoa widget?"

The "class swapper" mentioned there has an analogy in GNUstep as well.  When
the class is encoded, it must rely on the coding of the class, not your

Later, GJC


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