The problem turns out to have been a weird and subtle one: Through no
fault of your own, DOS linefeeds had entered into your script.
Here's how it happened: I use a two-way satellite ISP, which only
me to run Windows. After downloading the tarball, I untarred it, using
WinZip, to an external drive. So now your script, unbeknownst to me,
DOS linefeeds inserted, instead of Unix ones.
When I transferred the untarred files to my Linux machine, using the
portable external drive, and ran the install script, I then got the
interpreter: no such file or directory" error message.
All I did to solve the problem was to untar the files directly in
instead. Now the script runs fine.
Thanks for all your help--sorry to have put you to all this trouble.
You might consider posting these threads on the board to which I sent
first one; I'm sure there are other Bi-OS folks who may otherwise make
same Windoze/WinZip mistake.