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Re: Bug#315266: Can override existing folders and destroy their contents

From: Enrico Sersale
Subject: Re: Bug#315266: Can override existing folders and destroy their contents
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 20:46:31 +0300

On 2005-06-21 18:26:29 +0300 Anton Zinoviev <anton@lml.bas.bg> wrote:

Package: gworkspace.app
Version: 0.7.0-1
Tags: forwarded

[If you reply, please keep the CC to nnn@bugs.debian.org]

Suppose that I am moving a folder ~/foo inside a a folder ~/bar and there is also a folder ~/bar/foo. Then GWorkspace shows me the following dialog:

Some items have the same name; do you want to replace them?
<Only older> <Cancel> <<OK>>

If I answer OK then the folder ~/bar/foo and its contents will be completely destroyed and replaced by ~/foo.

The expected behaviour is to inform me that there are folders with same name and propose me the following options:

1. Cancel the operation
2. Destroy the target folder and replace it by the source (the current behaviour)
3. Merge both folders, i.e. copy the contents of ~/foo inside ~/bar/foo

Anton Zinoviev

Please, can somebody tell me what OS X does in this case? (I think that the Finder on my iMac is broken 
because copying "foo" in "bar" containg a "foo" causes a crash)

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