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Re: Bug#315267: Remembers the state of only one Viewer

From: Enrico Sersale
Subject: Re: Bug#315267: Remembers the state of only one Viewer
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 16:48:38 +0300

On 2005-06-21 18:26:52 +0300 Anton Zinoviev <anton@lml.bas.bg> wrote:

Package: gworkspace.app
Version: 0.7.0-1
Tags: forwarded

[If you reply, please keep the CC to nnn@bugs.debian.org]

If there was more than one Viewer when GWorkspace was closed, after the
restart it will show only one Viewer.  When the Viewers had different
configuration of their Shelf after the restart only the Shelf of one of
the Viewers will be preserved.

On NeXTstep I didn't have the need of tabbed shelf because I was keeping one Viewer for each of my tasks. One of them was maximized and the others miniaturized. Each of them had different items on its Shelf. However GWorkspace doesn't allow me to use it the same way.

Anton Zinoviev

GWorkspace remembers all the open viewers that are not rooted on the same 
directory; the only exception exists if two viewers are on the same directory 
but one of them is in spatial mode and the other in browsing mode.

Anyway, you should consider that, even if GWorkspace looks like the NeXTstep 
file viewer, it is not a clone.
This for various reasons, but the first of them comes from the fact that its 
author has never used (or seen) NeXTstep :-)
I have been a Mac user from 1986 and, when I started to write my app, only the 
idea of two viewer windows showing the same directory seemed to me simply an 
In the time I've learned to like the *step interface and I've tried to keep the 
GWorkspace behaviour as close as possible to the users expectatives but my background 
remains and, probably, it is present in the GWorkspace "feel".

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