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OS X Shell Access

From: Alex Perez
Subject: OS X Shell Access
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 18:53:04 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

Fred Kiefer wrote:
Sašo Kiselkov wrote:

Quoting Fred Kiefer <fredkiefer@gmx.de>:

Sa&#65533;o Kiselkov wrote:

I found that when my code returns an NSAttributedString as the value for a


data cell it doesn't display it as an attributed string, but instead by


it "description" (which obviously isn't right, is it?). The problem is in


code of NSCell's "-setObjectValue:" which doesn't know about attributed
strings. I'd recommend adding a test case there which, if passed an
NSAttributedString, invokes [self setAttributedStringValue: object];.

is this the behaviour on Cocoa? The change you suggest seems sensible to
me (and rather simple to implement), but I would like to be sure we do
the same as Apple here.

Even if it didn't exist in Cocoa, it isn't an incompatible change where we would
solve a particular problem in an incompatible way - we'd simply extend the basic
concept to be more intelligent and behave more as people would expect it - to be
able to use attributed and nonattributed strings interchangeably in controls.
The only difference for an app programmer would be: "this one's a plain string
and this one's a fancy string".

Not sure, if I agree to that. The new behaviour may seem sensible to you
and me, but others may rely on the Cocoa behaviour. As soon as I can get
hold of Mac, I will try to found out, how it behaves here.

Any GNUstep hacker who would like an account on an OS X machine running 10.4 should contact me privately.


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