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[bug #15313] multiple notification sent on button pushing

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: [bug #15313] multiple notification sent on button pushing
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 16:33:05 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.4; Linux) KHTML/3.4.2 (like Gecko)

Update of bug #15313 (project gnustep):

                Category:                    None => Gui/AppKit             
              Item Group:                    None => Bug                    
             Assigned to:                    None => FredKiefer             


Follow-up Comment #1:

Sorry, I don't quite understand this bug report. When a button gets pressed
the action for the button get send. As far as I can tell no notification gets
send. So which methods are transforming the actions into notifications? And is
it possible to reproduce the same problem with actions only?

This could only be traced back to a GNUstep problem, if you are able to proof
that the action sometimes gets send twice, when a button is pressed. For this
it would help if you could either strip down your problem to a simpler
scenario or add the code from your application to the bug report.


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