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[bug #15612] Exception on Gorm launch with latest SVN (r22413)

From: Quentin Mathé
Subject: [bug #15612] Exception on Gorm launch with latest SVN (r22413)
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2006 01:40:13 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; fr) AppleWebKit/417.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/417.8


                 Summary: Exception on Gorm launch with latest SVN (r22413)
                 Project: GNUstep
            Submitted by: qmathe
            Submitted on: ven 03.02.2006 à 01:40
                Category: None
                Severity: 5 - Blocker
              Item Group: Bug
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open



Ubuntu Linux x86

When I launch Gorm 1.0.4 (or latest SVN version), I'm observing an exception
"Tried to add nil value for key 'GSActive' to dictionary". 

I'm not observing this bug with other application like GSTest to take an

I have reproduced this problem with two -base and-gui versions:
- latest cvs
- SVN r22413 (iirc I observed the issue with -gui r22399 too)

Finally it happens with Gorm 1.0.1 also.

I'm not sure the bug is related to Gorm because it is involving stuff like
GSLaunched, GSActive which are related to recent changes in NSApplication.m
or/and NSWorkspace.m

Related stack trace to follow soon.



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