Follow-up Comment #5, bug #17377 (project gnustep):
The code we have there in the different decorators is there on
purpose. When
Alexander Malmberg implemented the window decoration handling
inside of
GNUstep gui he wanted to end up with things right the way they are
I remember there was documentation for all of this, but I cannot
find it at
the momenet. The main thing was that Alex came up with three
rectangles where
OpenStep only has two, contentRect and frameRect. The third one being
screenRect, which is the actual space on the screen occupied by the
Including the window decoration, from what ever source it is
coming. For the
different decorators two of these three rectangles are identical, but
different ones for the different decorators.
I would think that you should get the values you are aiming for by
using the
screenRect methods instead of the frameRect methods. But this would
make your
code incompatible to code for Cocoa or OpenStep.
As far as I can tell this screenRect code does not get used
anywhere. Perhaps
it would be better to reconsider the whole interface.