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[bug #8884] NSCalendarDate +dateWithString:calendarFormat: problem

From: Günther Noack
Subject: [bug #8884] NSCalendarDate +dateWithString:calendarFormat: problem
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:36:27 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/

Follow-up Comment #3, bug #8884 (project gnustep):

Could you please open this bug again, it's still not working as it should.

Here's proof (I used io from the Etoile repository for this, but it uses the
GNUstep frameworks.)

------- PROOF START --------
Io> date := NSCalendarDate alloc

==>  Io2Objc_0x9025b80:

Io> date := date initWithString:calendarFormat:("2006-08-03T12:50:24+02:00",

==>  Io2Objc_0x9025b80:

Io> date description

==> 2006-08-03    // problem: only first part was parsed, unmatching pattern
not detected!

Io> date := NSCalendarDate dateWithString:calendarFormat:("2006-08-03 +0100",
"%Y-%m-%d %Z") description
2006-11-12 00:47:07.916 ioobjc[1320] Unknown time zone name ‘+’.

==> 2006-08-03 GMT+0000   // problem: time zone not recognized, but issue

Io> date := NSCalendarDate dateWithString:calendarFormat:("", "%Y-%m-%d")
2006-11-12 00:53:33.876 ioobjc[1320] File NSCalendarDate.m: 1356. In
[NSCalendarDate -initWithYear:month:day:hour:minute:second:timeZone:] invalid
month given - 0
2006-11-12 00:53:33.876 ioobjc[1320] File NSCalendarDate.m: 1361. In
[NSCalendarDate -initWithYear:month:day:hour:minute:second:timeZone:] invalid
day given - 0

==> 0000-01-00  // problem: not only did it parse wrong, it also set the day
to 0,
                // which is guaranteed not to happen in the documentation to
the method.

------- PROOF END -------

        Another issue is that there are some (potentially broken) time zone 
like "+0000"
        (Real life example: "<lastBuildDate>Fri, 10 Nov 2006 16:28:30
+0000</lastBuildDate>", found
        in http://www.symlink.ch/symlinkch.rss. How can I parse that with that


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