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[bug #18536] sqlclient-24210(java) compile error

From: YunSong Hwang
Subject: [bug #18536] sqlclient-24210(java) compile error
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2006 08:43:33 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ko; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061110 Fedora/2.0-8hs.1 Firefox/2.0


                 Summary: sqlclient-24210(java) compile error
                 Project: GNUstep
            Submitted by: hys545
            Submitted on: 토요일 2006년 12월 16일   08:43
                Category: None
                Severity: 3 - Normal
              Item Group: Bug
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any



I install jigs-24211
& update SqlClient-24210

aking all for java_package libSQLClient-java...
 Compiling file gnu/gnustep/SQLClient/SQLClient.java ...
gnu/gnustep/SQLClient/SQLClient.java:11: package gnu.gnustep.Performance does
not exist
import  gnu.gnustep.Performance.*;
gnu/gnustep/SQLClient/SQLClient.java:40: cannot find symbol
symbol  : class NSArray
location: class gnu.gnustep.SQLClient.SQLClient
  public static native NSArray allClients ();
gnu/gnustep/SQLClient/SQLClient.java:46: cannot find symbol
symbol  : class NSDictionary
location: class gnu.gnustep.SQLClient.SQLClient
  public static native SQLClient clientWithConfiguration (NSDictionary arg0,
String arg1);
gnu/gnustep/SQLClient/SQLClient.java:64: cannot find symbol
symbol  : class NSDate
location: class gnu.gnustep.SQLClient.SQLClient
  public static native void purgeConnections (NSDate arg0);
gnu/gnustep/SQLClient/SQLClient.java:84: cannot find symbol
symbol  : class GSCache
location: class gnu.gnustep.SQLClient.SQLClient
  public native GSCache cache ();
gnu/gnustep/SQLClient/SQLClient.java:90: cannot find symbol
symbol  : class NSDictionary
location: class gnu.gnustep.SQLClient.SQLClient
  public native NSMutableArray cache (int arg0, String arg1, NSDictionary
gnu/gnustep/SQLClient/SQLClient.java:90: cannot find symbol
symbol  : class NSMutableArray
location: class gnu.gnustep.SQLClient.SQLClient
  public native NSMutableArray cache (int arg0, String arg1, NSDictionary
gnu/gnustep/SQLClient/SQLClient.java:96: cannot find symbol
symbol  : class NSMutableArray
location: class gnu.gnustep.SQLClient.SQLClient
  public native NSMutableArray cache (int arg0, String arg1);
gnu/gnustep/SQLClient/SQLClient.java:156: cannot find symbol
symbol  : class NSDate
location: class gnu.gnustep.SQLClient.SQLClient
  public native NSDate lastOperation ();
gnu/gnustep/SQLClient/SQLClient.java:174: cannot find symbol
symbol  : class NSDictionary
location: class gnu.gnustep.SQLClient.SQLClient
  public native NSMutableArray query (String arg0, NSDictionary arg1);
gnu/gnustep/SQLClient/SQLClient.java:174: cannot find symbol
symbol  : class NSMutableArray
location: class gnu.gnustep.SQLClient.SQLClient
  public native NSMutableArray query (String arg0, NSDictionary arg1);
gnu/gnustep/SQLClient/SQLClient.java:210: cannot find symbol
symbol  : class GSCache
location: class gnu.gnustep.SQLClient.SQLClient
  public native void setCache (GSCache arg0);
gnu/gnustep/SQLClient/SQLClient.java:252: cannot find symbol
symbol  : class NSArray
location: class gnu.gnustep.SQLClient.SQLClient
  public native void simpleExecute (NSArray arg0);
gnu/gnustep/SQLClient/SQLClient.java:258: cannot find symbol
symbol  : class NSMutableArray
location: class gnu.gnustep.SQLClient.SQLClient
  public native NSMutableArray simpleQuery (String arg0);
gnu/gnustep/SQLClient/SQLClient.java:264: cannot find symbol
symbol  : class NSMutableArray
location: class gnu.gnustep.SQLClient.SQLClient
  public native void singletons (NSMutableArray arg0);
./gnu/gnustep/SQLClient/SQLTransaction.java:34: cannot find symbol
symbol  : class NSDictionary
location: class gnu.gnustep.SQLClient.SQLTransaction
  public native void add (String arg0, NSDictionary arg1);
16 errors


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