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[bug #18946] NSPopupButtonCell in a NSTableView does not send tableView:

From: Nikolaus Waxweiler
Subject: [bug #18946] NSPopupButtonCell in a NSTableView does not send tableView:setObjectValue:forTableColumn:row:
Date: Sat, 03 Feb 2007 22:51:44 +0000
User-agent: Opera/9.10 (X11; FreeBSD 6 i386; U; en)


                 Summary: NSPopupButtonCell in a NSTableView does not send
                 Project: GNUstep
            Submitted by: madleser
            Submitted on: Saturday 02/03/2007 at 22:51
                Category: Gui/AppKit
                Severity: 3 - Normal
              Item Group: None
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any



1. Get attachment
2. gmake && ./Squec.app/Squec
3. Click on a random popup button in the 2. column and select a random item
4. The text field on the left should display something like "Popup #x
clicked. Selected index: y", but doesn't. See
for the expected result.
(4.5. Note how when depressing the mouse button, the table field under the
cursor is selected after the popup menu goes away. Is this intended? It
shouldn't, imo, since the user did not actually click on the field himself)
5. Click on a random checkbox, see expected message appear in text field.


File Attachments:

Date: Saturday 02/03/2007 at 22:51  Name:
GNUstep-NSTableView-NSPopupButtonCell-Bug.tar.bz2  Size: 5kB   By: madleser



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