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[bug #21415] gdnc segfaults on OpenBSD

From: Sebastian Reitenbach
Subject: [bug #21415] gdnc segfaults on OpenBSD
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 11:57:31 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Linux) KHTML/3.5.7 (like Gecko) SUSE

Follow-up Comment #5, bug #21415 (project gnustep):

I've seen this on OpenBSD 4.2-current sparc64:

(gdb) bt
#0  0x000000004e880d68 in __builtin_avcall () from
#1  0x00000000423dd074 in GSFFCallInvokeWithTargetAndImp (_inv=0x42be3b10,
anObject=0x8, imp=0x4bf9e51a) at GSFFCallInvocation.m:636
#2  0x000000004224abf4 in callframe_do_call (ctxt=0xfffffffffffbf470,
decoder=0x422c9f00 <callDecoder>, encoder=0x422ca07c <callEncoder>) at
#3  0x00000000422ca854 in -[NSConnection(Private) _service:forwardForProxy:]
(self=0x4893a210, _cmd=0x4274c240, aRmc=0x4893bd10) at NSConnection.m:2473
#4  0x00000000422c92d8 in -[NSConnection(Private) handlePortMessage:]
(self=0x4893b210, _cmd=0x42794388, msg=0x4e750650) at NSConnection.m:2231
#5  0x00000000423d8930 in -[NSMessagePort handlePortMessage:]
(self=0x40aedfd0, _cmd=0x42794388, m=0x4e750650) at NSMessagePort.m:1555
#6  0x00000000423d5c28 in -[GSMessageHandle
receivedEvent:type:extra:forMode:] (self=0x4893aa10, _cmd=0x42794578,
data=0x1, type=ET_RPORT, extra=0x0, mode=0x427940e8) at NSMessagePort.m:881
#7  0x00000000423d8f18 in -[NSMessagePort receivedEvent:type:extra:forMode:]
(self=0x40aedfd0, _cmd=0x4893aa10, data=0x40aedfd0, type=ET_RPORT, extra=0x0,
mode=0x427773a8) at NSMessagePort.m:1694
#8  0x00000000424142f4 in -[GSRunLoopCtxt pollUntil:within:]
(self=0x42be2810, _cmd=0x427771a0, milliseconds=0, contexts=0x42be0790) at
#9  0x00000000423723fc in -[NSRunLoop acceptInputForMode:beforeDate:]
(self=0x42be0350, _cmd=0x427771f0, mode=0x427773a8, limit_date=0x4bf9e210) at
#10 0x00000000423728bc in -[NSRunLoop runMode:beforeDate:] (self=0x42be0350,
_cmd=0x42777210, mode=0x427773a8, date=0x4bf9e310) at NSRunLoop.m:1041
#11 0x0000000042372b8c in -[NSRunLoop runUntilDate:] (self=0x42be0350,
_cmd=0x42777200, date=0x4bf9e310) at NSRunLoop.m:1072
#12 0x0000000042372aac in -[NSRunLoop run] (self=0x42be0350, _cmd=0x3078f8)
at NSRunLoop.m:1055
#13 0x000000000010568c in gnustep_base_user_main (argc=2,
argv=0xfffffffffffc0168, env=0x4e73b890) at gdnc.m:1163
#14 0x0000000000101d58 in ___start ()
#15 0x0000000040b02f24 in _dl_start () from /usr/libexec/ld.so
#16 0x0000000040b02f24 in _dl_start () from /usr/libexec/ld.so
(gdb) list GSFFCallInvocation.m:636
631                 break;
632             }
633         }
635       /* Do it */
636       av_call(alist);
637     }
639     - (void) invokeWithTarget: (id)anObject
640     {
(gdb) list callframe.m:453
448       inv->_selector = selector;
449       inv->_cframe = cframe;
450       inv->_info = [sig methodInfo];
451       inv->_numArgs = [sig numberOfArguments];
452       ctxt->objToFree = (id)inv;
453       GSFFCallInvokeWithTargetAndImp((NSInvocation *)inv, object,
454                                      method_implementation);
455       ctxt->objToFree = nil;
456       NSDeallocateObject((NSInvocation *)inv);
(gdb) frame 1
#1  0x00000000423dd074 in GSFFCallInvokeWithTargetAndImp (_inv=0x42be3b10,
anObject=0x8, imp=0x4bf9e51a) at GSFFCallInvocation.m:636
636       av_call(alist);
Current language:  auto; currently objective-c
(gdb) print alist
$1 = {func = 0x103340 <-[GDNCServer
addObserver:selector:name:object:suspensionBehavior:for:]>, flags = 4, raddr =
0x0, rtype = __AVvoid, rsize = 0, aptr = 0xfffffffffffbe9a8, eptr =
0xfffffffffffbf168, anum = 8, farg_mask = 0, darg_mask = 0, args =
{1085196176, 1114984000, 1182022736, 1333736400, 0,
    1316293136, 2, 1119763728, 0, 0, 1174790112, 19140298416324608, 0, 0,
1135189984, 0, 59596966199296, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1085145056, 0, 1135189984,
0, 0, 4294967296, 1119762688, 5, 1174790112, 6648151301549554358, 1119762816,
8589934593, 0, 8589934593, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4294967296, 1119762176,
    5, 1174790112, 0, 1119762560, 1316291008, 1119762704, 4294967296, 0, 0,
1174790112, -266781, 1119762816, 1119762816, 1119762704, 5611211344, 9, 9216,
16896, 22589922064, 1118522912, 1115228760, 1274668224, 40, 1112650960,
6648151301549554358, 43, -269295, 1096220640, 1115228760, 1316292864, 33792,
    0, 1115103432, 0, 1118522912, 1316292880, 1115068312, 1316292880, 59392,
1115085584, 2, -269167, -7723941601572167021, 1244313984, 1115086096,
1115154376, 1, 6648151301549554358, 0, -269103, -7723941601572290497,
1114892440, 1171128288, 1115068312, 1115068328, 0, 16896, 1114869432,
1118522912, 1316292304,
    1115068872, 1217641744, 1, 1115085584, 2, -268959, -7723941601572368129,
1115228760, 1274668320, 40, 587202597, 1115154264, 3, -281470682012414,
100334859266, 1316292880, 1114954432, 1115068872, 1114892680, 33792, 33792,
1114978624, 1115103432, 1, 1118522912, 1316292304, 1115085728, 1217641744,
    1217634832, 1115085176, 2, -268751, -7723941601572282405, -268719,
-7723941601572286037, 1073741824, 48, 1274668128, 5845553585, 3173768,
72057594037927939, -268687, 4294967297, 1115085744, 0, -1, 1115085728, 31744,
1114978624, 18432, 1118522912, 1217641744, 1115068872, 1114937104, -266368,
1115085176, 2,
    -268543, -7723941601572368129, 1115085176, 4, 12884633553,
-7723941601571891009, 1217641912, 32, 1217641744, 1114916256, 1119748944,
1115243048, 1115068872, 1217634832, 33792, 33792, 1217641912, 1115103432,
31744, 1118522912, 1217641744, 1114946496, 64, 1316291314, 1114945560,
1114937104, -268335,
    -7723941601571651109, 1217634832, 1115085728, 1217641912, 2,

This happened when running: openapp AddressManager (or any other application
I've tried)

I haven't seen these problems on OpenBSD i386.

I'll see that I get my sparc and vax up and running, to see what happens
there too.


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