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[bug #22278] Nib reading issues with System fonts and button borders

From: Nicolas Roard
Subject: [bug #22278] Nib reading issues with System fonts and button borders
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 16:28:34 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en; rv: Gecko/20071025 Camino/1.5.3

Follow-up Comment #15, bug #22278 (project gnustep):

> By this logic, we shouldn't have NSToolbar or NSOutlineView
> since neither of them were present in OpenStep.

I disagree -- NSToolbar or NSOutlineView provide new functionalities, as such
we need to implement them. Different story, nothing to do with the way they
look (and actually NSToolbar does not look NeXT-ish and could certainly be
more integrated).

> What we're really talking about is whether a theme which 
> targets a given environment should try to provide all widgets
> that are provided by GNUstep in that environment, even when
> that environment may not have that given widget or if the
> widget should be left out all together or replaced by
> something that is in the target environment. 

A rounded button is a button, period. It's not a new widget -- it's purely an
appearance choice, there is no added functionality. As such it's entirely the
theme choice to decide what appearance should be displayed, and as the default
button on NeXT is square, not round, I really don't think we should have round
buttons *in the NeXT theme*, particularly if we take in account the rounded
style is the default one on OSX, so is used everywhere.

Other themes are more than welcome to use the added information to create
different appearances; but the NeXT theme should stick  to its own spirit.
It's important to not discard the added info, so that other themes can use it,
but that's all.

Again, check the two screenshots I added in the previous post; do you really
think those should be rounded buttons on GNUstep ? Even if we improve the
rounded look to be more "NeXT-ish" ? (and what's "more next-ish" when the
whole NeXT theme is about square blocks...). Would they have been rounded
buttons if done manually in Gorm ?

That's a theming issue, not a widget support issue.


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