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[bug #23233] SVN version breaks GWorkspace.app

From: Charles Philip Chan
Subject: [bug #23233] SVN version breaks GWorkspace.app
Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 02:11:19 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080410 SUSE/ Firefox/


                 Summary: SVN version breaks GWorkspace.app
                 Project: GNUstep
            Submitted by: cpchan
            Submitted on: Monday 05/12/2008 at 02:11
                Category: None
                Severity: 3 - Normal
              Item Group: None
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any



GWorkspace.app does not start up any more with the lastest SVN version of
GNUStep- it segfaults. Here is the back trace (and I have attached the error
when starting the app):

#0  0xb74315d4 in objc_msg_lookup () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libobjc.so.2
#1  0xb757c32d in GSIMapCleanMap (map=0x9f2c354) at
#2  0xb757c1c4 in GSIMapEmptyMap (map=0x9f2c354) at
#3  0xb757c175 in -[GSDictionary dealloc] (self=0x9f2c350, _cmd=0xb7a2b508)
at GSDictionary.m:102
#4  0xb767236c in -[NSObject release] (self=0x9f2c350, _cmd=0xb7da9ef0) at
#5  0xb7bc7ea2 in -[NSGraphicsContext dealloc] (self=0x9f2c3b0,
_cmd=0xb6894550) at NSGraphicsContext.m:284
#6  0xb681d636 in -[GSContext dealloc] (self=0x9f2c3b0, _cmd=0xb7a2b508) at
#7  0xb767236c in -[NSObject release] (self=0x9f2c3b0, _cmd=0xb7a02050) at
#8  0xb75c70d3 in -[NSAutoreleasePool emptyPool] (self=0x83828d8,
_cmd=0xb7a020b8) at NSAutoreleasePool.m:420
#9  0xb75c6ede in -[NSAutoreleasePool dealloc] (self=0x83828d8,
_cmd=0xb7a020b0) at NSAutoreleasePool.m:324
#10 0xb75c6e93 in -[NSAutoreleasePool release] (self=0x83828d8,
_cmd=0xb7ef6e98) at NSAutoreleasePool.m:317
#11 0xb7ea555d in -[FSNodeRep(Icons) resizedIcon:ofSize:] (self=0x8411860,
_cmd=0xb7ef6dc0, icon=0x9f25308, size=24) at FSNodeRepIcons.m:417
#12 0xb7ea4307 in -[FSNodeRep(Icons) cachedIconOfSize:forKey:]
(self=0x8411860, _cmd=0xb7ef6d98, size=24, key=0x9f25160)
    at FSNodeRepIcons.m:231
#13 0xb7ea4510 in -[FSNodeRep(Icons) cachedIconOfSize:forKey:addBaseIcon:]
(self=0x8411860, _cmd=0xb7ef6da8, size=24, key=0x9f25160,
    baseIcon=0x9f25308) at FSNodeRepIcons.m:257
#14 0xb7ea3dfc in -[FSNodeRep(Icons) iconOfSize:forNode:] (self=0x8411860,
_cmd=0xb7efa690, size=24, node=0x9f06818) at FSNodeRepIcons.m:163
#15 0xb7ea873c in -[FSNBrowserCell setIcon] (self=0x9f069d0, _cmd=0x8137ce8)
at FSNBrowserCell.m:127
#16 0x080b6c35 in -[Finder addSearchPlaceWithPath:] (self=0x9f136f8,
_cmd=0x8137a30, spath=0x824ec40) at Finder/Finder.m:603
#17 0x080b3634 in -[Finder init] (self=0x9f136f8, _cmd=0x81378d8) at
#18 0x080b294d in +[Finder finder] (self=0x8137560, _cmd=0x8113430) at
#19 0x08052aad in -[GWorkspace applicationWillFinishLaunching:]
(self=0x82e84f8, _cmd=0xb7d72be0, aNotification=0x8447198)
    at GWorkspace.m:454
#20 0xb7662c30 in -[NSNotificationCenter _postAndRelease:] (self=0x81e66d0,
_cmd=0xb7a26c48, notification=0x8447198)
    at NSNotificationCenter.m:1070
#21 0xb766354c in -[NSNotificationCenter
postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] (self=0x81e66d0, _cmd=0xb7a26c50,
    object=0x830de50, info=0x0) at NSNotificationCenter.m:1129
#22 0xb7663401 in -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:]
(self=0x81e66d0, _cmd=0xb7d726a0, name=0xb7e15200, object=0x830de50)
    at NSNotificationCenter.m:1109
#23 0xb7b32278 in -[NSApplication finishLaunching] (self=0x830de50,
_cmd=0xb7d72808) at NSApplication.m:952
#24 0xb7b33f77 in -[NSApplication run] (self=0x830de50, _cmd=0x810dab0) at
#25 0x0804d84b in main () at main.m:37




File Attachments:

Date: Monday 05/12/2008 at 02:11  Name: error.log  Size: 8kB   By: cpchan
Console log when starting GWorkspace


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