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[bug #20057] rotated+translated text fields display incorrectly

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: [bug #20057] rotated+translated text fields display incorrectly
Date: Sun, 09 Nov 2008 00:29:46 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Linux) KHTML/3.5.9 (like Gecko) SUSE

Follow-up Comment #9, bug #20057 (project gnustep):

Last summer I made some more progress not documented here an I was even able
to reproduce the behaviour cited below. Still more complex combination of
rotation and translation where still wrong. 
Now I am trying to get an application working that has views rotated by 90
degrees and this completely fails.

After experimenting on my Apple I came up with code that works somewhat
better, but it still isn't completely correct. It looks like the code would be
simpler when implementing setBoundsOrigin: based on translateOriginToPoint:.

I put the code here for future reference:

- (void) setBoundsOrigin: (NSPoint)newOrigin
  if (_is_rotated_from_base)
      NSAffineTransform *matrix;
      NSRect frame = _frame;
      NSPoint offset;

      frame.origin = NSMakePoint(0, 0);
      if (_coordinates_valid)
          (*invalidateImp)(self, invalidateSel);
      if (_boundsMatrix == nil)
          _boundsMatrix = [NSAffineTransform new]; 
          offset = NSMakePoint(NSMinX(_bounds), NSMinY(_bounds));
          matrix = [_boundsMatrix copy];
          [matrix invert];
          offset = [matrix transformPoint: NSMakePoint(0, 0)];
      NSLog(@"Translate by %g, %g", -newOrigin.x + offset.x, -newOrigin.y +
      [_boundsMatrix translateXBy: -newOrigin.x + offset.x
                     yBy: -newOrigin.y + offset.y];      
//      [_boundsMatrix setFrameOrigin: NSMakePoint(-newOrigin.x,

     // Adjust bounds
      matrix = [_boundsMatrix copy];
      [matrix invert];
      [matrix boundingRectFor: frame result: &_bounds];
      [self resetCursorRects];
      if (_post_bounds_changes)
          [nc postNotificationName: NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification
              object: self];
  else if (NSEqualPoints(_bounds.origin, newOrigin) == NO)
      if (_coordinates_valid)
          (*invalidateImp)(self, invalidateSel);
      _bounds.origin = newOrigin;
      if (_boundsMatrix == nil)
          _boundsMatrix = [NSAffineTransform new]; 
      [_boundsMatrix setFrameOrigin: NSMakePoint(-newOrigin.x,
      [self resetCursorRects];
      if (_post_bounds_changes)
          [nc postNotificationName: NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification
              object: self];

- (void) translateOriginToPoint: (NSPoint)point
  NSPoint offset;
  if (_boundsMatrix == nil)
      offset = NSMakePoint(NSMinX(_bounds), NSMinY(_bounds));
      NSAffineTransform *matrix;
      NSRect frame = _frame;

      frame.origin = NSMakePoint(0, 0);
      matrix = [_boundsMatrix copy];
      [matrix invert];
      offset = [matrix transformPoint: NSMakePoint(0, 0)];
  [self setBoundsOrigin: NSMakePoint(offset.x - point.x, 
                                     offset.y - point.y)];
//  [self setBoundsOrigin: NSMakePoint(NSMinX(_bounds) - point.x, 
//                                   NSMinY(_bounds) - point.y)];


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