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[bug #25116] NSDocument should not ignore readFromFileWrapper:ofType:err

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: [bug #25116] NSDocument should not ignore readFromFileWrapper:ofType:error:
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 09:15:58 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Linux) KHTML/3.5.9 (like Gecko) SUSE

Update of bug #25116 (project gnustep):

             Assigned to:                    None => FredKiefer             


Follow-up Comment #2:

I looked through the documentation and our code to see how we should proceed
here. The main change that is needed is to switch NSDocumentController over to
the new URL methods. Most of the implementation is already there, what needs
to be changed is openDocument: this doesn't call into the new method
hierarchy. While doing this switch we need to make sure that at each level we
call the old method when a class overrides that.
Because of this requirement, I expect that we get this change wrong in the
first go and would like to suggest to start it only after the next GNUstep
It is not too complicated, it just requires a lot of testing with different
applications, old and new ones.


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