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[bug #25037] gorm not correctly working on openbsd 4.3 sparc64

From: Sebastian Reitenbach
Subject: [bug #25037] gorm not correctly working on openbsd 4.3 sparc64
Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2009 14:59:55 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Linux) KHTML/3.5.9 (like Gecko) SUSE

Follow-up Comment #14, bug #25037 (project gnustep):


after a bit debugging session, I found a way to make the nsinvocation test

Appended patch to GSFFInvocation.m (against base-1.18.0) fixes the crasher in
frame#1 in the backtrace in comment #12:

(gdb) frame 1
#1  0x00000000478bce4c in -[GSFFIInvocation
initWithCallback:returnp:values:frame:signature:] (self=0x4bc1bf10,
    _cmd=0x47c88680, cif=0x4bd0da00, retp=0xfffffffffffd92f0,
vals=0xfffffffffffd9200, frame=0x4bd0da00, aSignature=0x43bb9b90)
    at GSFFIInvocation.m:284
284               memcpy(((cifframe_t *)_cframe)->values[i], vals[i],
(gdb) list
279               memcpy(((cifframe_t *)_cframe)->values[i], *(void
280                      ((cifframe_t *)_cframe)->arg_types[i]->size);
281             }
282           else
283             {
284               memcpy(((cifframe_t *)_cframe)->values[i], vals[i],
285                      ((cifframe_t *)_cframe)->arg_types[i]->size);
286             }
287         }
288     #else

I fear the patch might break things on other systems, as it is very rude ;)
therfore its only for reference to show what I did.

With the patch, nsinvocations works well:
# ./obj/nsinvocation
Calling proxy
Testing NS_MESSAGE ... ERROR ... expecting 6,6 and got 0,6
Testing NS_INVOCATION ... ERROR ... expecting 8,8 and got 0,8
Expect: 99, invoke: 0 forward: 0
Expect: 12345, invoke: 0 forward: -10240
Expect: 123456, invoke: 0 forward: 55296
Expect: 123456, invoke: 123456 forward: 123456
Expect: 123456, invoke: 123456 forward: 123456
Expect: 123.456, invoke: 123.456 forward: 123.456
Expect: 123.456, invoke: 123.456 forward: 123.456
Expect: 0x4a57f2f0, invoke: 0x4a57f2f0 forward: 0x4a57f0b0
Expect: 'string', invoke: 'string' forward: 'string'
Expect: 1, invoke: 0 forward: 0
Expect: 2, invoke: 0 forward: -10240
Expect: 3, invoke: 0 forward: 55296
Expect: 4, invoke: 4 forward: 4
Expect: 4, invoke: 4 forward: 4
Expect: 5.0, invoke: 5.0 forward: 5.0
Expect: 6.0, invoke: 6.0 forward: 6.0
Expect: 6.0, forward: 6.0
Expect: 0x4a57f1b0, invoke: 0x4a57f1b0 forward: 0x4a57f670
Expect: 'Hello', invoke: 'Hello' forward: 'Hello'
called multi argument method
Expect: {11,22}, invoke: {11,22} forward: {11,22}
Expect: {99,large,99.99}, invoke: {99,large,99.99} forward: {99,large,99.99}
Expect: {8,9}, invoke: {8,9} forward: {8,9}
Expect: {1,hello,1.23}, invoke: {1,hello,1.23} forward: {1,hello,1.23}
Expect: {8,9}, invoke: {8,9} forward: {8,9}
Expect: {1,hello,1.23}, invoke: {1,hello,1.23} forward: {1,hello,1.23}



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