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[bug #26046] Infinite loop on quit...

From: Xavier Glattard
Subject: [bug #26046] Infinite loop on quit...
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 16:25:06 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; fr; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4

Follow-up Comment #5, bug #26046 (project gnustep):

I now can run gormtest, but I still can not reproduce the error, with or
without the 'break' correction. 

But I can make the application hang if I close it (with the menu) as soon as
it displays. If I wait 1 or 2 sec before I ask for quitting (I get some more
'released' messages), the application stops silently.
There is a short halt before the last 17 'released' log messages: the
application is still loading (some widgets are not fully displayed). If I
click on 'Quit' *after* these lines are printed the application quits

But this might come from my old and lazy computer.

Anyway, with '--GNU-Debug=NSEvent' the last log messages is:
PropertyNotify - 'WM_CLASS'

Nothing to do with my changes. This code is not executed at all: the loop is
only entered when the window of the event is not a NSWindow, and AFAIK this
only happend with a NSOpenGLView. In short cWin is never null.

I don't understand and can not be of any help until I can reproduce the
problem. Any suggestion ?


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