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[bug #29899] NSToolbarItem setView: sets minSize and maxSize

From: Doug Simons
Subject: [bug #29899] NSToolbarItem setView: sets minSize and maxSize
Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 16:29:27 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.22.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Safari/531.22.7


                 Summary: NSToolbarItem setView: sets minSize and maxSize
                 Project: GNUstep
            Submitted by: theeggcamefirst
            Submitted on: Mon 17 May 2010 04:29:26 PM GMT
                Category: Gui/AppKit
                Severity: 3 - Normal
              Item Group: Bug
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any



This behavior appears to be different from Cocoa. I had code that initialized
my toolbarItem by first setting the minSize and the maxSize and then calling
setView:, but on GNUstep the call to setView: resets the minSize and maxSize
to the size of the view.

In this case I can work around it by simply changing the order of my calls,
but this incompatibility is likely to cause trouble for someone else one of
these days. Maybe it would make sense for that method to set the min and max
sizes only if they haven't already been set?


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