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Fix GDL2, some include updates with current gnustep-base on Mac

From: Georg Fleischmann
Subject: Fix GDL2, some include updates with current gnustep-base on Mac
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 16:41:20 +0800


attached are three small patches for GDL2 (SVN from 2010-08-28) to replace a 
header (#include <GNUstepBase/GSCategories.h>) which is no more in gnustep-base:

In EOCheapArray.m, I replaced #include <GNUstepBase/GSCategories.h> with two 
other includes.
In EODetailDataSource.m and EOMutableKnownKeyDictionary.m, I just added 
#include <GNUstepBase/NSDebug+GNUstepBase.h> to fix the implicit declaration 
error of the missing macros.
I think there are a few other places where GSCategories.h is not found, but 
without consequences.

* EOControl/EOCheapArray.m
* EOControl/EOMutableKnownKeyDictionary.m
* EOControl/EODetailDataSource.m
include of <GNUstepBase/GSCategories.h> replaced by
<GNUstepBase/NSDebug+GNUstepBase.h> and <GNUstepBase/NSThread+GNUstepBase.h>

Best wishes,
Georg Fleischmann

C  Georg Fleischmann <Georg.Fleischmann@vhf.de>
C  vhf interservice GmbH
C  Cenon - Graphics Software with Style
C  Computer Aided Manufacturing
C  Research and Development of Fractal Technology
C  Im Marxle 3, 72119 Altingen, Germany
C  the vhf group - http://www.vhf.de
C  fon: 07032 / 97097-0
C  fax: 07032 / 97097-50
C  eMail: service@vhf.de
C  Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 382014
C  Geschäftsleitung: Georg Fleischmann

*** EOControl/EOCheapArray.m.old        2010-08-30 14:57:46.000000000 +0800
--- EOControl/EOCheapArray.m    2010-09-01 15:28:25.000000000 +0800
*** 48,54 ****
  #ifndef GNUSTEP
  #include <GNUstepBase/GNUstep.h>
! #include <GNUstepBase/GSCategories.h>
  #include <EOControl/EOCheapArray.h>
--- 48,55 ----
  #ifndef GNUSTEP
  #include <GNUstepBase/GNUstep.h>
! #include <GNUstepBase/NSDebug+GNUstepBase.h>
! #include <GNUstepBase/NSThread+GNUstepBase.h>
  #include <EOControl/EOCheapArray.h>

*** EOControl/EOMutableKnownKeyDictionary.m.old 2010-08-28 18:01:04.000000000 
--- EOControl/EOMutableKnownKeyDictionary.m     2010-09-01 15:26:34.000000000 
*** 50,55 ****
--- 50,56 ----
  #ifndef GNUSTEP
  #include <GNUstepBase/GNUstep.h>
  #include <GNUstepBase/GSObjCRuntime.h>
+ #include <GNUstepBase/NSDebug+GNUstepBase.h>
  #include <EOControl/EOMutableKnownKeyDictionary.h>

*** EOControl/EODetailDataSource.m.old  2010-08-28 18:01:05.000000000 +0800
--- EOControl/EODetailDataSource.m      2010-09-01 15:27:33.000000000 +0800
*** 48,53 ****
--- 48,54 ----
  #ifndef GNUSTEP
  #include <GNUstepBase/GNUstep.h>
  #include <GNUstepBase/GSObjCRuntime.h>
+ #include <GNUstepBase/NSDebug+GNUstepBase.h>
  #include <EOControl/EODetailDataSource.h>

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