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Fix GDL2, EODatabaseContext (-objectsWithFetchSpecification:editingConte

From: Georg Fleischmann
Subject: Fix GDL2, EODatabaseContext (-objectsWithFetchSpecification:editingContext:)
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 2010 16:23:19 +0800


I am working on getting my applications running with the latest SVN version of 
GDL2. It seems that GDL2 is always locking everything now (that was different 
in 0.12.0).
The first thing that happens in [EODatabaseContext 
-objectsWithFetchSpecification:editingContext:] when fetching an object is 

  if (_flags.beganTransaction == NO)
    [_adaptorContext beginTransaction];
    _flags.beganTransaction = YES;

To fix this, I added a check for pessimistic locking (see attached patch).
That seems to fix my problems.

* EOAccess/EODatabaseContext ([EODatabaseContext 
call beginTransaction only for pessimistic locking

Best wishes,
Georg Fleischmann

*** EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m.old    2010-09-04 13:56:33.000000000 +0800
--- EOAccess/EODatabaseContext.m        2010-09-05 15:01:56.000000000 +0800
*** 1544,1550 ****
        channel = [self _obtainOpenChannel];
!   if (_flags.beganTransaction == NO)
      [_adaptorContext beginTransaction];
--- 1544,1551 ----
        channel = [self _obtainOpenChannel];
!   if (_flags.beganTransaction == NO
!       && _updateStrategy == EOUpdateWithPessimisticLocking)
      [_adaptorContext beginTransaction];

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