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[bug #35380] NSImageView appears faded on Windows XP

From: Jonathan Gillaspie
Subject: [bug #35380] NSImageView appears faded on Windows XP
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 01:26:31 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/534.52.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.2 Safari/534.52.7

Update of bug #35380 (project gnustep):

                  Status:               Duplicate => Need Info              
             Open/Closed:                  Closed => In Test                


Follow-up Comment #4:

Ok, so I had to dig a little deeper.  It turns out that somewhere further than
I imagined in our code we actually intentionally disable the NSImageView when
we first load it.  The comment being "Disabling Image View prevents it from
being tabbed to"; I guess that was important when we first put this in.

Interestingly however on Mac OS X, that does NOT cause a greying out of the
Image itself (just of the border rectangle).  I've attached a 2.X NIB to run
on Mac OS X (10.6.8 for me).  If you just run it in interface test mode it
uses bindings to let you enable and disable the NSImageView, you can let me
know what you see.

I don't especially care, but it seems that Cocoa doesn't grey the image. 
Unless I'm missing something (and I often am).

So, I've reopened the bug pending your decision of how you _want_ it to

(file #24933)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: EnableNSImageTest.nib.zip      Size:5 KB


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