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GRUB and menu interface

From: Ivan Passos
Subject: GRUB and menu interface
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 08:30:59 -0800 (PST)


I'm trying to use GRUB and I ran into a situation that I don't know
whether it's a problem or this is the way it's supposed to work.

I have a HD with the following partitioning:

/dev/hda1       /boot
/dev/hda2       /
/dev/hda3       /develop
/dev/hda4       swap

When I try to use the menu facilities of GRUB by:
- Creating a /boot/grub/menu.lst as follows:

        default 0
        timeout 3

        title Linux
        kernel (hd0,1)/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda2

        title Linux.old
        kernel (hd0,1)/vmlinuz.old root=/dev/hda2

- Running 'grub-install /dev/hda';
- Rebooting the system.

, I don't get the menu interface as of boot, but the GRUB prompt. In order
to get it, I have to manually run the following command:

        configfile (hd0,0)/grub/menu.lst

After that, I do get the GRUB menu and everything works as expected.

My guess is that this is happening because the /boot directory is mounted
in a partition different from the root partition.

- Are you _really_ expected to specify the config. file every time you
  boot, or should the menu be invoked automatically?
- If the latter is the case, what can I do to fix the problem (removing 
  /dev/hda1 and making /boot local to /dev/hda2 is not an option :) ??

I hope such a simple thing is not enough to kill this GRUB 
functionality ... Otherwise, GRUB is not that good after all, IMHO. ;)

I'm pretty sure this is just my ignorance, so ... could someone pls help??

Thanks in advance for your comments.


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