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[grub #78] minor-ish 'partnew' info documentation error

From: s2108287
Subject: [grub #78] minor-ish 'partnew' info documentation error
Date: Sat, 03 May 2003 15:25:02 +0900

Reporter: address@hidden
Summary: minor-ish 'partnew' info documentation error
Version: 0.93
Type: documentation bug



First of all thanks for the exremely cool software. And sorry if this doesn't 
make sense. Anywho...

The info and online documentation of GRUB describes the command 'partnew' 
incorrectly. Inparticular, the final argument is described as 'to', the last 
sector of the new partition. Which can be seen just below:

partnew part type from to       Command
Create a new primary partition. part is a partition specification in GRUB 
syntax (see Naming convention); type is the partition type and must be a number 
in the range 0-0xff; from and to are the starting and ending sectors, expressed 
as an absolute sector number.

Or seen at "http://www.gnu.org/manual/grub/html_node/partnew.html#partnew";.

However, the last argument actually describes the length of the new partion. 
Which can be seen in "stage2/builtins.c" lines 2757 to 2767 of 0.93 source code:

static struct builtin builtin_partnew =
  "partnew PART TYPE START LEN",
  "Create a primary partition at the starting address START with the"
  " length LEN, with the type TYPE. START and LEN are in sector units."

Anyways, hopefully that makes sense. And thanks again for the cool software.


Daniel Farrell

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